The Contribution

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Was she embarrassed? Yes, she was; however, she was also touched. Her whole chest felt warm, and her stomach was doing flips around itself. Probably, her cheeks were heated too. Hearing all of Emorie's words and her father's additional approval of Emorie being with her, she couldn't help but feel her heart beat a little bit faster. Steadily, she nodded her head. "I'm fine with that plan," she responded softly.

Currently, she couldn't look over to Emorie, but she felt his eyes on her. Her optics fell onto her father, and she added, "Both Emorie's idea about how to convince others that our intentions aren't indecent and about waiting for ... marriage." She couldn't help but pause at the end as mental images flooded her mind. Personally, part of her wanted to escape into her room and hide her face in the pillow on her bed. Then again, she didn't want to be alone in her room anymore, especially since the day was turning into late afternoon, which meant that evening would be all the sooner.

"Very well." (D/n) smiled to his daughter softly before he looked back to Emorie. "I trust that you'll be working on getting your house prepared all the more, then." Emorie gave a firm nod. "Good. This explanation will only make sense for so long since we can't explain our true concerns to the rest of the village."

"I know," Emorie answered back, his right fingers curled around his trousers' fabric. "If we wait too long, then everyone else might think worse of us than if we were just not to say anything. I don't want your wife or daughter's trade to be ruined because of this." (D/n) nodded firmly back before he averted his eyes back to his daughter. Almost, he laughed, but he kept it to himself so as not to embarrass her further.

No doubt, her ears were burning now. Wait too long. That meant that they would be married soon. She wouldn't mind; she just had trouble wrapping her mind around that prospect even if she knew it was usually the end result of courting. Maybe, it was because of Emorie's explanation for why he wanted to wait. All that talk of children kept creating pictures her mind that were better left unsaid, especially with her parents present.

"And, thank you. My wife and I both appreciate your consideration." (D/n) smiled to Emorie before he stood up from his chair. "Why don't you stay for dinner?" Shock entered Emorie's optics, and he glanced over to (m/n) before he focused on (f/n). A small smile was on (f/n)'s lips, and her eyes shyly met his. That look of hers caused his heart to skip a beat, and he thought that he might kiss her then and there, but he had to resist given where he was and who else he was among.

Focusing back on (d/n), Emorie responded, "If you don't mind, I wouldn't mind staying." Out of the corners of his eyes, he noticed that (f/n) smiled slightly more at his response. Her expression still held embarrassment, and he mentally smiled at how adorable she was.

"Right." (D/n) began to grab some items from around the kitchen to begin the meal. "I figured that this might be best since I assume that (f/n) will be going back with you this evening." Instantly, (f/n) felt more heat enter her cheeks, and she only could stare at her lap. She was happy that her parents were agreeable to Emorie and her plans, but it still was embarrassing, and she wondered how her father could talk about it so casually. Then again, it warmed her heart that her parents trusted her decisions enough to trust Emorie's.

"Yes, especially since it's the night right after this whole incident earlier today. If Jacob and Hester were behind it, their emotions might be heightened a lot right now, and they might act rashly." His right fingers let go of his trousers, and he moved them towards (f/n)'s left hand. Catching the movement, (f/n) smiled lightly and moved her hand over some so that he could reach it better. Gently, he squeezed her hand, and she intertwined her fingers with his afterwards. "I want to be with her to keep her safe too."

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