The Nightmare

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

When he quickly directed his gaze to his left, he saw one of the pixies several feet away from him. Short, messy silver locks went in multiple directions on the petite female fae, and robes of spider webs only covered what they needed to. "What are your questions?" she asked politely, but Emorie noticed how she kept her distance too. He wouldn't be surprised if she was fearful since he had shown beforehand how easy it was to catch them.

"You're different from the pixies I spoke to before. Where are they?" His tone was as polite as he could manage since he was worried and he wasn't exactly pleased that the pixies from before hadn't come out. Were they trying to brush him aside after they had stated that they'd answer any future questions of his?

She analyzed him for a moment before she nodded and flew off. It was obvious that she was happy to be farther away from him. Emorie tapped his left nails against his right upper arm as he waited, and he was about to tap his right foot until he saw ten forms fly out from among the leaves. Like the other pixie, they kept their distance, and he could read that they were somewhat puzzled. Perhaps, they hadn't been expecting him to have a question so soon.

Unbeknownst to him, that puzzlement simply was a mask to hide their own concern. Due to the spies they had placed on him, and he luckily hadn't noticed, they knew how his meeting with his human beloved had gone. They knew that his questions probably were tied back to her, and due to the seriousness of his expression, they had a bad feeling about the specifics of those questions.

"What are your questions? They must be important if you wish for us to answer them," a female elder mentioned, not moving any closer to him.

"You ten seem to know the most about my transformation, so I'd rather talk to you to get the most accurate information." Emorie's tone was calm, and he stopped tapping his nails, but the worry in his very pale blue optics was quite clear. The pixies looked to each other, and he heard a few hum in agreement. Outwardly, they acted calm and flattered, but their concern only heightened inwardly with every passing moment.

"I met with my wife earlier." He wished that he didn't have to share such details with them, but it was necessary given the strange feelings he had felt recently. "During our time together this evening, we kissed several times." The elder pixies resisted the urge to share nervous glances while the younger pixies observed from the various oak and maple trees; they too were apprehensive. "While we did, I had an odd feeling. I couldn't quite describe it until I recalled how I felt regarding killing Jacob in terms of the obsessive quality."

Glancing between the ten, he noted how some looked tense, and he wondered if they already knew what he was referring to. If they did, that meant that the horrible feeling in his gut most likely would intensify. "I got this feeling too when I thought about having a family with her. Even as I say this now, I can feel it again." Emorie couldn't help but narrow his eyes in suspicion. "So, I was wondering if you know what this feeling is and why it's related to me being intimate with (f/n) and having thoughts about building a family with her. Just what price is this feeling associated with?"

None of the pixies responded immediately, and he noticed that one of them was wringing his hands nervously. He also noted that the distance between them and him had increased a little bit too. Something definitely was wrong. "You'd said you would answer my questions, so go ahead." Emorie's tone was a bit demanding, and he was beginning to lose his patience because their silence didn't indicate a good sign.

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