The Crops

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Autumn. It finally had arrived that year. Cooler weather and clothes with more coverage and thicker build were beginning to be worn by some of the villagers. And since it was the start of the season, her mother and she had been busier with requests from several of the villagers to replace worn articles of winter clothing. That increase in orders, though, didn't prevent her from still going over to Emorie's at night, but she had asked him to come over a little later in the evening so that she could help her mother out with more work. Being the understanding and considerate man that he was, he had no issue with her request, which was much to her appreciation. It was those actions of his that always made her realize how lucky she was to have met him, and she was grateful that she had encouraged him those eleven years ago to live and return.

Tonight, she had come over later as well. Probably, it had been about an hour later. Much to her enjoyment, though, Emorie still allowed her to go outside and visit the hares. Despite the cooler night air, she still refrained from wearing her beige wimple since she could tolerate the weather without it. In the next few weeks, though, she'd most likely opt to wear it. Otherwise, her ears and face might get too cold for her liking.

Now, however, she focused on the adorable hares. The babies had grown up a little more, but they remained tinier than the adults. Emorie figured that it might be awhile more before they were the same size as their parents, which meant that she could coo at their adorable size for a little while longer. Her right fingers were through one of the windows in the pen, and they scratched the head of one of the babies. Another one hopped over to her, and she scratched that one's head too. "You're so adorable," she murmured, a gentle smile on her lips.

Emorie could say the same about her, though; he currently kept that thought to himself. Then again, she probably wouldn't hear his compliment even if he spoke it. She was in that zone again where she placed all of her concentration on the baby hares. He just hoped that she wouldn't get too attached. (F/n) had assured him that she wouldn't, but moments like these made him somewhat doubt her. An inaudible sigh left him, and he smiled a bit. If it came down to it, he supposed that he could keep some of the hares around longer than others for her if she desired that.

Briefly, his eyes glanced from her and over to his crops. The lettuce he had planted was ready to harvest, and within the next week, the carrots and peas would be ready to harvest too. Once they were ready, he was planning to propose to (f/n). He felt that he would have enough for her, then, especially since he could trade some of the lettuce for other crops and/or items around Levonshire. They would be set, and he could marry her either at the end of the next week or the week after.

Eyes falling back onto (f/n), he smiled at the thought. The two of them at last would be married, and he could provide a comfortable, wonderful life for her. As much as he was grateful for her parents' approval of their relationship, he was quite happy at the prospect of her learning only to rely on him. Of course, she would have her trade, but she would require his help for tasks around the house as well as helping their children. That future reliance on him made his heart swell.

It also helped that (f/n) would be officially his. No one would be able to question their time together, and her connection with Jacob only would wither more. Yes, they might still have to worry about him trying something, but he'd have no reason to have any claim over (f/n) or her heart. (F/n) would be his and his alone. Slightly, a smile touched his lips since (f/n) was too focused on the hares.

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