The Link

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Lips locked, both of them were blissful to be in the other's arms. Emorie hadn't expected the conversation to turn this way, but he held no complaints. Rather, he couldn't help but allow himself to be more vulnerable in her arms. All of his previous worry escaped his mind through the droplets of water gracing his deathly pale cheeks. His right thumb glided across her smooth cheek while his fingers pressed in lightly, and his lips moved against hers in a desperate, yet gentle plea for her never to let him go. Even if she just had tied a ring around his finger, he still softly begged for her eternal presence because her recent actions caused his feelings for her to ignite all the more, and he never desired for that fire to burn out. Never did he desire to doubt her again and think that she might reject him.

His left nails rested lightly against her right hip, and he knew that with enough pressure he would break through the fabric and her skin, but he'd never do that to her. No, there was no concern in his mind that he might attack her anymore. He would forever protect her, and her kissing him back was granting him his desire to have her for eternity. She wanted to be with him as much as he did with her.

Due to his heightened hearing, he heard every beat of her heart, and how it beat all the harder when his tongue glided over her bottom lip. Something in him clicked. He couldn't place what it was. It felt unfamiliar, but he shoved it aside, not wishing for the present moment to be ruined. Instead, he focused on how her cheek felt warmer underneath his fingertips when she parted her lips for him. Gently, he pushed her against his chest more as he was grateful for her accepting his invitation.

Emorie's own heartbeat picked up when he explored the interior of her mouth. She let him with no resistance. Her hands slid up his chest before they moved around his neck. (F/n) leaned on her tippy toes and glided her fingers through his nearly white locks. They had dried crimson in them, and he knew that his clothes had remnants of that on them too, but she didn't pay that any mind. Personally, he'd rather not have remains of that wretched apprentice on him, but the fact that she didn't push him away for it made his heart sing all the more. Even in death and coming back as he was, she still chose him. He had killed her childhood friend and ate part of him; he was going to eat more of him to survive, but she continued to want to marry him, only him.

Such thoughts caused him to move his hand from her warm cheek to the back of her head. His fingers glided through her hair and locked themselves into place in some of the knots there, just like hers did to his own hair. The thought almost caused him to laugh as he was reminded of their time when they had gotten their fingers stuck in each other's hair before. He smiled into the kiss as he intertwined his tongue with hers, and he delighted in the taste of sweet rolls that her mouth gave to him. Even more so, he rejoiced in the fact that he wasn't attacking her because of it, but he was giving her affection instead. Emorie wished that he could remain in such a position with her for longer, and he knew that he could, but he could tell that she needed air; however, that gave him the insight that he could last without air longer than humans too.

Softly, he pulled away from her, and his eyes averted to her own. They shone brightly in the darkness to him, and even in the dark, his glittered to her. Despite them no longer holding their blue quality that they had before, they remained as clear as ever, and she viewed every ounce of joy within them. Both of them stared a little while longer at the other before Emorie released a happy chuckle. He stepped back from her before he bent over and picked up the piece of cloth that had fallen during their kiss.

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