The Grasses

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Two whole weeks. Somehow, he had managed to wait that long and was continuing to wait, but those two weeks had been a nightmare. That walk hadn't been an ordinary walk. No, the two of them had come back with still slightly damp hair. They had bathed in the same location. Jacob hoped that it hadn't been at the same time. The image that formed in his mind had been atrocious, and he hoped that (f/n) wasn't giving herself away like that. If she was ... Well, he'd forgive her, but he'd also make sure that she understood who truly loved her, who she would be with forever and always.

Much to his irritation, they had gone out for several more baths over those two weeks, and he almost had been tempted at times to chuck the hammer he had in his hand at the knight. A nice whack to the skull would do the older man good. Some crimson would make the scene all the lovelier. Needless to say, his bubbling rage was hard to contain, and if it weren't for his sister reassuring him that he would get (f/n), he might've lost it.

It didn't help that he had to view the two of them practically doing everything together. The knight would eat breakfast with her family and her, they'd go out hunting together, they'd do laundry together ... Yeah, that one was horrendous too. Just knowing that the knight might be viewing her undergarments vexed him to no end. They were practically a married couple!

Almost, he pounded his fist into the ground at the thought. His thoughts only got worse when their reason for doing so much together still was working with the other villagers. The only one who might not believe it to some degree, besides his sister and him, was Jetta, and he hadn't talked to her at all since that whole planning and incident with the stream. After what Jetta agreed to do and was caught doing, though, no one really would believe what she had to say. That worked for and against him. At least, she wasn't tattling on his sister and him and having the whole village believe her, but she might also be the only one who might believe that the knight and (f/n) were taking advantage of the current situation.

Whatever the case, they weren't married, which left the possibility that (f/n) still hadn't given herself over to the knight completely. Still, he had wished to find an opportunity to speak with her, but she was either with her parents or the knight at all times of day. Not to mention that her room shutters were always closed, and he didn't wish to knock again since he had the sneaking suspicion that she wouldn't open them for him. If she refused to open them, his rage might increase, and he might do something foolish and ruin everything.

That line of thought, though, brought about the question of whether or not (f/n) even still considered him her friend. It certainly didn't feel like it since she avoided even looking at him when the knight and she walked by the smithy. His fists clenched at the memories of her doing that. Somewhere along the last weeks, she had been convinced not to approach him even. Most likely, it had been her parents and the knight's doing. Ever since he first had made eye contact with that knight, he had a feeling that he was losing (f/n).

If only he could get the knight to show that he wasn't such a gentleman as he claimed and demonstrated himself to be. The annoying fact, though, was that he hadn't done anything to show the opposite of being the kind-hearted, faithful knight. And if (f/n) had seen something, she would've started to pull away from him; she wouldn't be sleeping and bathing with him ... Well not with him, but ugh! His fingers reached up, and he ruffled his light brown locks, which made them all the messier.

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now