The Setup

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

It finally was the day. They would execute their plan, and (f/n) would be one step closer to him. She had to be. Otherwise ... He didn't want to think of going to the other options. The ideal scenario would be for her to come to him willingly. Jacob reassured himself that everything would go according to plan, and that the knight would be separated from (f/n). (F/n) wouldn't get married to the knight.

Light brown optics watched Jetta leave her house. She only had the clothes on her back with her. They probably were freshly washed ones, so she only needed to wear the new pair there. Then, she could change back into them. It was perfect. Jetta would have no spares, and the knight would have to lend his clothes to her unless he actually wasn't that courteous.

Jacob kept the smirk off of his lips, however, and maintained a neutral expression as he concentrated back on his work. His father was near to him, and he didn't need the older man getting suspicious as to why his son was staring at Jetta so much. The last thing he needed right now was for his parents to try and arrange something between Jetta and him. (F/n) was the only woman he wanted, and he'd get her one way or another.

As for his sister, Hester, she was waiting in the spot she had met Jetta before. On her form was her dark brown shirt and skirt and leather shoes. She would've worn her dark brown wimple, but that would've been suspicious since it was warm outside. Not even the married women wore them during the summer in Levonshire. It simply was too hot for them.

Brushing back some auburn locks behind her right ear, she tapped her left foot quietly. Jetta should be coming soon. Her dark brown optics averted up towards the sky. It was getting closer and closer to mid-afternoon. They needed to leave soon to get there in time and set everything up. Otherwise, Emorie would hear them before they even could achieve the plan. If he heard them, he might leave, and he might not return to the area for another bath. Then, they would have to start all over again.

There also was the risk that he wouldn't be there today, but Hester didn't want to travel down that road of thought. She wanted things to work today so that her brother could have (f/n) in his arms sooner. Then, Jacob would be happier, which was what she wanted. Smiling at the thought of him smiling, she leaned her head back against the tree.

Slowly, she seated herself on the ground and watched the white oak leaves rustle a bit from the occasional breeze. She didn't let herself fall asleep, but she allowed her mind to drift a little bit while she waited. Hester didn't want to panic and worry only more about Jetta's arrival. Sunlight reached the ground through openings between the leaves and hit parts of her clothes and skin. Even though it was hot outside, she didn't move since she didn't want to make too much noise as she did keep her ears open for movement in the nearby area.

When noise finally hit her ears, she opened her eyes and saw Jetta approaching. "I'm ready." A wide grin was on her thin, pink lips, and her medium green optics were gleaming with excitement. Almost, she looked like a cat ready to pounce.

Picking herself up to her feet, Hester nodded. "Let's get moving. We don't want to arrive there late." Hester began to walk towards the east, and she avoided twigs on the ground that might snap under her weight. "Try to keep as quiet as you can. We don't know if he's hunting in the surrounding area or not."

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