The Watcher

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


When he first had seen Hester and her mother come out of their home with worried looks, he grinned and chuckled to himself quietly. Finally, he could see what that wretched girl looked like after hearing such dreadful news. He only wished that he had been close enough to hear her heart beating faster in her chest as panic consumed her, but he stayed to the trees and kept himself hidden. If he was seen, the village would go on even more of an alert, and they would know what they were up against. Of course, his death had been caused by those disgusting siblings.

Following Hester and her mother, he saw them alert others, and more villagers began to light torches and lanterns. The women and children stayed in the village, keeping a watch out among the streets, while some of the men headed off into the woods to begin the search. Emorie grinned again. They wouldn't find Jacob. His limbs currently were buried deep beneath the snow in the north. It annoyed him that he had to bury his food like that of a dog, but he'd rather do that than kill more people, with the exception of Hester.

Besides, he was grateful that he had the cold climate now. In the spring and summer, he'd have to resort to killing more people or keeping them alive while he ate them. The thought made him grimace. It didn't help that such a fact gave (f/n) all the more reason not to accept him and carry on with her life. Emorie knew that asking her to remain with him was incredibly selfish. She'd have to give up everything and be in hiding constantly since she would be accused of helping him with the murders if they ever were caught.

He tried to convince himself that he'd be fine with her leaving and him leading a life of watching over her from the shadows, but he didn't know if he actually would accept that when the time came. What if he attacked her instead? A frown fell onto his lips, and he averted his eyes back to his next target to try not to think about the very possible negative situation ahead of him. When he glanced back, however, he noted that his target had moved from her last spot.

Glancing over the village, he searched for her, but his eyes stopped when he realized what house he was close to. His form remained still as he stood on the ground for the moment. (F/n) was leaning out of her bedroom window and staring out at the scene on the street. Almost, he took a step forward, but he stopped himself. Talking to her in her room or by her window would be too risky. Not to mention that his thoughts from before were returning full force. He didn't want to know whether he would attack her or not. Emorie knew he'd have to reveal himself to her eventually, but he found himself stepping back more. Later. That would be better.

Turning away, he headed off into the trees, none the wiser to the fact that (f/n) had caught a swift glance of his figure. At least, that was the case until he heard footsteps coming in his direction. Confused, he stopped high up in a white oak tree. He crouched and peered down. His heartbeat increased in speed when he saw (f/n) down below. She seemed to be searching for something or someone, and he wondered if she had seen him.

Back towards the village, he heard her name being called along with Jacob's. That mixture of names he didn't like at all, but he was more worried about her being out in the woods on her own at night. Thankfully, he was right there with her, and he could keep a distant watch on her until he found the courage to show himself to her. He did hope, though, that she wasn't searching for Jacob, but given the direction she was heading in, he doubted that. Besides, she probably suspected Jacob of being a part of his death, and she couldn't be more right.

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