The Deliberation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

A loud snap resonated throughout the area before two pieces of wood fell to the ground below. The branch they had been a part of had been flimsy and weak unlike the one that was supporting the human. His right leg hung over the edge of the branch, and his hands grabbed another stick from the collection he had accumulated before he had made his ascent. He had stored all of the sticks in his beige shirt, which was tucked into his dark beige breeches. Leather shoes were on his feet.

Another stick soon joined the other broken one. The action probably looked childish, but he didn't care. He needed some way to vent, and this way, he didn't bother anyone in the process. Right now, he just wanted to be left alone. Jacob brought his left knee closer to his chest as he snapped another stick and let the pieces fall to the ground.

As if his situation wasn't complicated enough, that knight, the one who (f/n) never failed to mention, showed up. He wanted to give her his personal thanks? Really? He almost growled at the thought. Why couldn't he have forgotten about her or moved onto some woman from the capital? Instead, he had to come to Levonshire and seek her out.

Sure, he could take listening to (f/n) talk about that knight and her surcoat project, but he never expected the knight to come to the village. He expected the knight to have some inflated ego and seek fame, fortune and women in the capital. Then again, not many knights left a piece of their surcoat for a stranger. "Loggerhead," he muttered to himself. Apparently, the knight was incapable of understanding that such an action was uncommon.

If he could, he would will the knight away or have him be killed. That certainly would solve some problems. He was half-tempted to seek out those pixies despite it being summer. Maybe, they could grant either of those wishes, but he was hesitant to go immediately to that, especially since again it was summer. They might not even be around.

Snapping another stick, he did growl that time. Even if he did kill the knight or make him vanish, he still faced another issue. That was the fact that (f/n) didn't see him as more than a friend. Even if she did return his feelings, she would have to give up her trade, and he had a feeling that she wouldn't willingly do that unless she grew to love him more than her work and was fine with tossing her responsibility to her mother away. With the knight, he suspected that she wouldn't have to forgo her trade since he didn't run his own, especially with that missing arm of his.

That was another matter. Why would she like a man with only one arm? Granted, he didn't know how her conversation with the knight was transpiring, but she may not mind the missing arm at all. Sure, battle scars and all, and that turned on some of the female folk, but he had burn marks from blacksmithing. Wouldn't those be better than a missing arm? Surely, two arms would serve her more use than one in more ways than one.

Once more, another stick snapped in half. Unfortunately, she never seemed to care about his burn marks and think of them as some attractive trait. Maybe, that would pose well for him with regards to the knight since she might not be drawn to the knight more because of his absent limb. Or, it wouldn't make a d*mnable difference. After all, she had been dreaming to meet that knight ever since he had left her that forsaken piece of cloth.

When he snapped another stick and he didn't hear it hit the ground, he paused and glanced down. Immediately, he rolled his eyes and groaned. His sister, Hester, placed the two pieces of wood on the ground and intertwined her fingers on the front of her medium blue skirt. A white shirt was tucked into it, and leather shoes were on her feet. "What does father want? Is he mad that I left the smithy?"

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