The Destination

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


It was in the evening. Always the evening. Then again, it made sense given her work schedule, but it only pissed him off all the more. Sure, it only was two nights that week, but what did she have to discuss with him? Just what was going on? Were they developing their relationship even more? If he could, he would go over and catch her by the arm before she reached his house, but he still worked into the evening a little that week since his father had received orders from the capital for new swords to replace some of the ones from the war. Apparently, more and more knights were asking for replacements, so they had to send out orders to varying blacksmiths in order to fulfill them even though the war had ended weeks back. Annoyingly, (f/n) seemed to have less work the week he had more.

Tonight was no different. He looked up from his work in the smithy and saw her go down the street. She didn't even glance his way. No doubt, she would've heard him working. It's not like his job was a quiet one. Jacob didn't even see anything in her hands, just like the other evenings. No trade was taking place unless it was of ... that kind, but he almost vomited at the thought. No, (f/n) wouldn't do that, not even for a knight she admired for eleven years.

Stop being soft. That phrase echoed in his mind. His sister was right, but he found that he couldn't just call out to her. Jacob parted his lips, but no words came out. Just what would he say? He was working. She didn't talk to him when he was because she thought it disrespectful, especially since she didn't prefer interruptions when she was working.

Scowling, he wished that he could work faster, but he couldn't have the sword be of poor craftsmanship. Annoyed, he saw her reach the door and knock. It opened a few moments later, and he wished that he could just throw one of his tools at the knight and end his life. They were getting too close, but there was hope. It had been another week, but Hester had the information they needed.

After going out whenever she could, she would pretend to go on walks down by the river or by the other waterways close to the village. She didn't check his backyard or sneak up to his house and listen since that would make her behavior a little too obvious, especially since she often was able to go on such trips during day hours for maybe twenty or thirty minutes at a time. At night, she did go out too. Then, she was able to sneak over and listen in. Unfortunately, that was much later in the evening, and (f/n) already had left the knight's house by that point.

Jacob was grateful that (f/n) didn't stay too long on the evenings she visited him, but he would like to know what they were doing together. Still, Hester had discovered that Emorie didn't leave his home during the evening. At least for that week, he didn't. He stayed in, which made her day trips all the more vital. Yesterday and two days before that, she did spot him bathing.

Emorie didn't go to the main river, but he went off towards a small stream that flowed down the hills behind the village and veered off to the east and away from Levonshire. The stream was deep in some parts, and it might be reasonable for Jetta to slip and flow down towards him or at least close to him anyway. Other parts were shallower, and Emorie did keep to those parts. Either he did so because if he lost his balance it'd be harder to get his grip on something due to the deeper water and his missing arm or it was because he liked to show off some. Jacob liked to believe that it was the second option.

Whatever the case, Hester knew the place, and she said that it was mid-afternoon when he went to bathe there on both days, which was perfect. People still would be out of their homes and active during that time. They just had to pick a day when Jetta wouldn't be working at that time. Hester should be figuring that out now.

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