The Collision

801 73 13

A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Water splashed upwards and through the air. Brook trout swam out of the way as feet collided with the dirt and rocks at the base of the small stream. Black trousers were rolled up to the knees while a dark blue skirt became soaked along its base. Feet collided with the base of the brook again, and water went soaring upwards as another splash went horizontal and impacted its target straight in the chest since arms were too late to block.

Laughter soared throughout the area, and negative thoughts about an earlier encounter that day were being forgotten. Warm late summer sun shone down through the canopies of the silver maples and white oaks. Occasionally, one of the beams of light would touch one of the two individuals down below, making the cool waters feel all the better.

"I'm going to dodge the next one!" (f/n) called out, grinning as though she was a child again.

"Really?" Emorie asked, looking doubtful and smirking. "You're soaking wet."

"So are you. Even more so than me," she pointed out, maintaining her grin. Yes, the bottom of her skirt was drenched in water, but her light blue shirt only had been hit a few times. Some parts of it remained dry. As for Emorie, his entire front was covered, and his hair looked as though he just had washed it. Even his hair tie was now long forgotten and rested on a rock along the bank of the brook. His black locks were in disarray, and a few strands clung to his face. Emorie's beard, which she had trimmed a few days ago, even had droplets of water amid it.

Quirking a brow, he shook his head, and water flew from his hair in the process. His right hand pushed back some of the strands. "Well, that means that I just have to get the rest of you." He took a step forward, and she went down the brook further and laughed all the more. As both of them watched their footing, (f/n) turned around quickly and flung a handful of water directly at him. Emorie barely dodged it, and he used that moment to fling water back at her.

Managing to dodge, she winked to him and turned back around. Her glass locket swung around her neck, and she placed it back under her shirt. She'd take a moment to remove it from her neck, but Emorie was hot on her heels, and she wanted to win. Then again, she didn't know how long their game would last, so they might reach a tie at the end. When she concentrated back on the brook more, though, she noted that it had a small waterfall up ahead as it adjusted to the sloping down terrain.

(F/n) just made the jump. Almost, her feet slipped on the rocks below, but she managed to sink her feet into the dirt and secure her landing. She turned around again and saw Emorie about to splash her with a giant helping of water. Using the waterfall to her advantage, she leaned down and lifted her hands back up swiftly, which took a large portion of water with them. It covered all of Emorie's lower legs and caused his splash to hit only the back of her left arm.

Smirking up to him, she taunted, "Looks like I won that round." He raised a brow of his and smirked himself, about to fling another helping of water at her. She spun around, though, in time and hurried down the brook, but she heard a loud splash behind her and him catching up to her. Her hands picked up her skirt to run better, and when she turned around again, Emorie couldn't slow himself down in time.

Eyes widening, she lifted her hands up and pressed them against his chest to try and slow down his speed. He didn't want to land on top of her and have her hit the rocks below, so he quickly grabbed her upper arms and shifted his weight back. His feet slid out from under him, which sent them falling backwards. Emorie held onto her tightly, and she clutched at his dark green tunic.

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