The Fields

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, the cover image will change. My computer right now is just having some technical difficulties, so I will upload the right cover when it's fixed. 

A cool breeze whipped on by, and (h/c), (h/l) locks were pushed back in a chaotic manner. Olive green, white and beige fabric blew back with the hair as bare feet met the soft, warm grass below. The mid-morning sun shone brightly on the large plain. Bright green grass stretched on far into the distance, and the occasional white oak or silver maple stood tall among the flat surface. Loud, gleeful giggles sounded through the air as little arms moved back and forth.

The child tried to run faster to escape her pursuer, and she laughed all while doing so. Her breath was becoming more uneven, and her legs couldn't keep up with her beating desire to continue running at full speed. "I'm going to catch you!" the voice of a boy yelled behind her, joyfully.

Spinning on her heel quickly, she turned back and stuck out her tongue. "No, you're not!" she shouted back, a wide grin on her lips. She whipped back around and continued running. The fact alone that she was able to take a break from helping in the house during a morning on a weekday was enough to be joyful about, but she could play with her dearest friend too. It was a rare treat that she cherished, so she was going to keep running until her feet gave out or Jacob caught her.

Behind her, his light brown locks flew around in a messy manner. Bright light brown eyes shone with delight as little bare feet, though bigger than his friend's, raced across the grass. Bandaged hands were clenched into small fists since that allowed him to run better. He ignored the pain when one of his fingers rubbed against a burn mark. Jacob was used to them, and they were part of the work that he would overtake from his father, the village blacksmith.

Up ahead, (f/n)'s feet began to slow down more. Jacob took the opportunity to push himself harder. He grinned and laughed. "I'm going to get you!" She shook her head determinedly, but he was just a couple of feet away from her. Giving his body one more push, he leaped forward and tackled her to the grass. The two seven-year-olds rolled across the soft surface. Loud giggling erupted from both of them as they stopped on their sides. "I caught you!" Jacob exclaimed, his fingers pinching her cheeks playfully.

She tried to pull his hands off, but she was laughing still. "You did! But, we still have hours and hours!" (F/n) lifted up her small hands and patted Jacob on the cheeks as payback. "I'll get you yet!"

Shaking his head and pulling it away from her hands, he grinned. "Just three hours."

On her lips, a cute pout formed. "That's still a lot." She sat up on the grass and crossed her arms over her white shirt and beige corset. "Let's try again."

Reaching up, he ruffled her hair with his right hand. "Not yet." She raised a brow. He pulled out pieces of grass from her hair and met her (e/c) eyes. "You're out of breath."

"Am not." She pouted more and looked to her right. About to argue more, she stopped, and her eyes widened. "Jacob, what's that?!" she exclaimed, clumsily getting to her feet. Her legs wobbled a bit, but she kept her stability as Jacob hurried to his feet afterwards. Pointing with her right index finger, she directed Jacob's attention to a group of older and younger men.

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