The Walk

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


One week. More than a week. Less than a week. She didn't know. If someone asked her, she wouldn't be able to answer with any certainty. Days passed, but every single one felt the same. Get up, do chores, eat, do chores, maybe take a bath, eat, do chores, eat, do chores and sleep. Her expression barely changed either. Eyes looked as though they were clouded by a mist. Lips didn't upturn into a smile, nor did they downturn into a frown. Every now and then, a tear would escape and trickle down skin, which was cold due to the autumn season.

All of her actions made her seem like she was a doll on strings. Up, down, left, right. Direction didn't matter. She knew what she had to do, and she was accomplishing her work, yet she couldn't remember the action a few moments later. Instead, she'd simply recall what she had to do next. Her mother and father spoke to her, but she didn't answer verbally. Rather, she nodded or shook her head. Even those actions were so slight that they were barely noticeable.

Both of her parents were worried, and they reassured her that her brother was being searched for. He would be found, and they could all celebrate with a grand feast. Hester didn't react too much, just nodded. Despite her present state, she did notice her parents' uncertainty in their eyes, and she only fell more into her current state. Some said that she was looking like a shade, but those rumors were quieted down when others spoke that she was going through a rough time. It reminded most of how (f/n) reacted at first to when Emorie went missing.

Thankfully, (f/n) seemed to be getting a bit better, but it was obvious that she still was lost in her mind and her thoughts of Emorie. With her, though, she had been more expressive. Hester simply didn't look alive. The present day was no different. She had conducted her activities like she did every day now, and she didn't say a word to anyone. Even if her lips parted to speak, no words left them.

Some villagers described her as broken, and they looked on with pity. She always had been close to her older brother and looked up to him with immense admiration. None of their words mattered to her, though. Instead, she simply went on about her business. When evening fell, she ate dinner and tuned out whatever her parents said. The food in front of her became only nutrition and nothing more; she couldn't even say what she was eating, only that it tasted like food.

After helping her mother clean up dinner, she headed into her room without a word of goodnight to either of her parents. They watched on with worry, but they had fixed the window. A new latch was on the shutters. In fact, several latches had been added, and they had been made of metal so that they couldn't be cut through. As an extra precaution, her room door remained open, and her parents moved their bed into the main room.

Anselm and Aldusa had tried to get Hester to move into their room for safety, but she hadn't budged. She'd only stare at Jacob's empty bed, and she sometimes would cry. So, they changed their location. Of course, they were saddened by their son's disappearance and capture, but they were trying to think positive so that they didn't break. They still had Hester to look after; they needed to be strong for their daughter.

As evening grew darker and more people headed to bed, Anselm headed outside to switch guard duty with Bennett Hayward. Anselm gave his wife a reassuring kiss on the lips that he'd return, and he squeezed her hands tightly to indicate for her to be safe. Near to her, she had a sharp kitchen knife in case anything happened since she felt more comfortable with a knife than a sword due to her regular using of the item.

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