The Tightness

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

As they arrived back in Levonshire, Hester nearly tugged her brother back to guide him back to the silver maple where he had been, but even if she had, it would've been too late. Coming up from the path leading down to the stream was (f/n) and the knight. She was holding onto the wash basket, with all of the clothes dry and neatly folded inside. A smile was on her lips, and Hester almost thought that she saw (f/n)'s eyes sparkling in the afternoon light. Needless to say, whatever conversation they had probably had transpired well.

Out of reassurance, she tightened her hold on her brother's arm, but he didn't react. Instead, he simply stared. The knight dipped his head towards (f/n), and Jacob wished that it had stopped there. Instead, the knight lifted up her left hand and kissed the back of it. Jacob noticed how (f/n) became shy and smiled embarrassedly at the gesture. Others in the village noted it, and Jacob finally moved a little. His hands clenched into fists. That fustilugs clearly was marking her as his in front of everyone.

When the knight looked back up, his light blue eyes met Jacob's light brown ones. Jacob didn't retract his gaze. Instead, his expression turned into a scowl. Hester glanced between the two, and she couldn't read the knight's expression before it switched back onto (f/n); however, she had a feeling that he understood her brother's countenance quite well.

Distancing himself from (f/n), the knight smiled to her one last time before he turned his back to her and walked off towards the direction of that vacant home, his home. Jacob didn't relax his fists until he felt his sister tug on him. He directed his gaze towards her. "Go talk to her. Find out what happened."

"... Yeah, good idea." He watched her begin to head to her home, which meant he didn't have much time to grab her. Hester let go of his arm and watched him walk off. "(F/n)," he called out, wondering if the knight heard him. Jacob hoped that he did. (F/n) turned around and looked somewhat surprised to see him walking about due to his schedule with the smithy.

"Jacob, did your father give you the day off?" she asked, facing him fully now, as he stood a few feet from her. Her hands and arms were wrapped around the wash basket, and she had a curious expression on her face. Admittedly, she looked adorable, but he pushed that thought aside. He first needed to find out the nature of her conversation with that knight.

"Yeah, he did. Can I talk with you?" She looked hesitant, glancing between the wash and her home. "Please. It's not every day I get a day off like this. Your parents will give some time, won't they?" Again, she looked unsure. "It won't take too long if you're worried about not getting any more work done."

Meeting his eyes again, she smiled a bit and nodded her head. "I'll ask. It should be fine as long as it doesn't take too long. I'm glad that you were able to get a break, though." He nodded and inwardly grinned. "Do you want to wait by the door?"

"Yeah, that'll be fine." She nodded, and they both walked over to their home. Hester walked by and headed back to her house. Out of the corners of her eyes, Hester noted that the knight was watching the two of them. Good. Maybe, he'd get the message not to interfere. Keeping the smile off of her lips, she walked by and entered her home soon after.

Opening the door to her home, (f/n) called out, "Father, mother, I'm home!" Her mother looked up from her loom and raised a brow of hers. Instantly, (f/n) dipped her head in apology and gave a sheepish smile. "I know, no yelling." Her mother nodded before she noticed that Jacob was standing by the door frame.

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