The Changing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Once the door was closed, her hand slowly slipped out of his, and both of her arms held onto the bag in her arms. Her eyes couldn't look up, and she stared down to her feet. The reality of the situation was dawning upon her more and more, and her cheeks couldn't get the heat out of them. Noting her nervous state, he gave her a reassuring smile. "(F/n), I can sleep on the floor. I really don't mind." Slightly, she shook her head, but her eyes still didn't look up to him.

Sighing a bit and his smile softening, he rested his right hand on her left shoulder. "Okay, but you can change your mind at any point alright." She nodded her head shyly. He smiled once more before his light blue optics stared past her and to the door. He hadn't seen Jacob out of his home, nor had he seen his sister. None of the windows facing his home on their home were open; however, those two would find out soon enough what they were doing. His hand tightened his hold on her, but it wasn't enough to hurt her. Rather, it caused her to peer up a little bit and notice where his gaze was focused.

"Did you see them out there?" she questioned, concern lacing her voice. She gently turned in his hold and faced the door. He removed his hand from her and stood up a little straighter. For a moment longer, she stared at the wooden object until she focused back towards him. Finally, her eyes met his.

"No, but there'll see us eventually, and it'll probably be sooner than later." Almost, she sighed as she concentrated back on her feet. Her brows furrowed in worry, and her left fingers clenched around the fabric of her skirt. Gently, his fingers rested under her chin, and she felt heat touch her cheeks once more. A reassuring smile was on his lips. "But, this was the best course of action. We'll both be safer this way."

Reaching up, her left hand wrapped around his right one, and she shyly moved the palm of his hand to her left cheek. She leaned into his palm and closed her eyes briefly. "I know. I just wish that we didn't have to feel like we were in constant danger." As her eyes began to open again, he removed his hand from her hold and wrapped his arm around her waist. The action caught her off guard a bit when he pulled her forward and against his chest.

Cheeks burning, she kept her head against his chest while her right arm continued to hold onto the bag. "I know, but this way, we'll feel less so." She felt his lips kiss the top of her head, and a shy smile fell onto her lips. (F/n)'s heartbeat calmed down a little, and she relaxed against him more, especially when she began to hear the steady beat of his own heart. Was this how it would feel when they shared the same bed? Her ears burned a bit at the thought, but she didn't pull away from him.

Steadily, she lifted her head up. His light blue optics met her (e/c) eyes at the same time, and she asked softly, "Back at my parents' home, what you said ..." She trailed off as embarrassment entered her orbs. "I appreciated every word and still do. I didn't realize you had thought about all of that already." (F/n) couldn't look at him. "All of those things for when ..." Was it a when, or was it an if? Courting didn't always guarantee marriage at the end of it. Something could come up where one of them wants to break it off, or something might happen to one of them. Goodness, she hoped that neither of those would occur, but she couldn't know or even predict the future.

An embarrassed chuckle left him, and she couldn't help but focus back on his gaze. "Well, I must admit that I had thought of asking you to marry me and skip the courting period in hopes that Jacob might move on." At that, her cheeks felt as warm as the sun. Instantly, she stared down and noted where her eyes accidentally fell, so she moved them back up to his chest. Yes, that was a much better place. "But, I realized that I wouldn't be able to provide for you like your family can right now. I know that your parents would help us if we needed it, but I want to know that I can provide for you fully, especially if an emergency arises. And ..."

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