The Body

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Once the current celebration was over, Jacob stepped up to the left side of the knight and grinned down to him. He rested his right foot over the back of the knight's head and pressed it down into the dirt more. "This is where you should've been all along. Better yet," he chuckled, "you should've been under the dirt long before now."

As her brother continued to taunt the deceased knight more, she surveyed the area to try and find a spot to hide his body. They didn't have a shovel with them to bury the body. Not to mention that bringing a shovel with them would've seemed very odd to their parents. Additionally, disturbed earth would call for curiosity too if any of the villagers found it.

"Jacob," she started softly so that she wouldn't anger him by interrupting his joy, "what do you want to do with him? He needs to go somewhere that none of the villagers will find." He stopped and looked up and over to Hester. A nod from him followed, and he grinned back down to the knight.

"I say that we make sure he loses a few more limbs." He picked up the knight's sword, and the blade still was covered in crimson. "More blood won't hurt. Besides, it'll make it easier to carry him." Jacob aimed the sword for his other arm. "But, I haven't gone further north past this clearing. I don't know where we can put his parts." Bringing the blade down, he removed the other arm from the deceased knight. "Any ideas?"

"Not yet." She continued to look around them. "We could put him high up in a tree, but some blood still will drip down." Hester crossed her arms and glared at one of the nearby maples as though it was causing them their present dilemma. "There are a lot of trees, but I wouldn't put it past someone to be lucky and happen upon the tree with him up in it."

"Even spreading him among trees might create the same problem," Jacob thought out loud as he decided upon which limb to remove next. Given his casual tone, one would think that he simply was cutting wood.

"And, I'd rather not have him in the water. Even if we put him in this stream that heads east from the village, one of his parts might get stuck on a rock or something." She easily could envision an arm getting caught between two rocks and floating about in the water as if it were some strange fish. "We could try and find a cave. That would make sense if a bear took him." Jacob raised a brow, and she sighed. "I know; that creates too many problems on its own. Most likely, father and some of the other men will try and hunt down the bear. If they find the knight chopped up in a cave, that might be too odd."

Her eyes glanced over to the large rocks in the area. "I'd say if we could lift one of those, we could hide his pieces under there." She tapped her foot in irritation as Jacob separated the right leg from the knight. He would've been worried about getting blood on him, but he figured that he could pass it off as he had tried to help the knight. Unfortunately, well not really, the knight had gotten attacked by the bear and injured, causing blood to fall onto him. Besides, he was being careful with the cuts so as not to cause too much crimson to fall upon his person.

"Since that isn't going to work, what other options do we have?" He chuckled darkly and glanced around the trees. "I doubt the pixies are going to help us. They're the ones who brought us to this point after all." Jacob smirked. "Hopefully, they learned not to underestimate the humans they anger." Moving the sword over to the knight's other leg, he readied the sword for another strike.

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