-P A N C A K E S-

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Juniper rubbed her eyes groggily, she had set that Muggle alarm her dad bought her, and it had done its job. She was up really early this morning, especially for Juniper, a chronic oversleeper. There were a few reasons for this. One was that she had to finish packing, much like her brother, she was a procrastinator, slightly scatterbrained at times. She still hadn't put all her books or robes in her trunk, but all her joke products were carefully packed so that was something. The other reason was that she wanted to get the bathroom first. Sharing a bathroom with James was bad enough, not to mention that all three boys had slept over last night, which meant the bathroom would be even more crowded than usual. She yawned, knowing that there were probably bags under her eyes as she made her way to the bathroom.

The water was running. That was odd. Juniper frowned in confusion, hoping that hadn't been on all night.

"Morning Potter." Teddy said, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. He spit in the sink and turned the faucet off.

Juniper inhaled sharply, she was not awake enough for this. First of all, he wasn't wearing a shirt, just a pair of grey sweatpants that hung loosely around his waist. And no matter how many times it happened, it was always jarring for Juniper to see him in her bathroom. Despite the fact that Teddy had seen her at her absolute worst, like when she got the chicken pox the summer before first year and she was covered in scaly red scabs, Juniper impulsively crossed her arms over her chest, feeling extremely self conscious. She didn't bother to look in the mirror, she knew what she would see.

He pulled a shirt over his head, and Juniper relaxed, "What are you doing up this early Junie?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I'm always up this early, I'm a morning person."

Juniper made a face, "Anybody who proudly calls themself a morning person needs help."

"You are so not a morning person." Teddy shook his head sadly.

"I know. I'm a coffee person." Juniper laughed, undoing the braids that did nothing to contain her black mane of hair. It was true. If there was one thing Juniper had inherited from her mother, it was an addiction to coffee.

Teddy rolled his eyes, "Are you sure you're British?"

Juniper flipped him off just as Leo entered the bathroom, followed closely by Charlie. They were dressed in a similar fashion to Teddy, both of their eyes puffy from sleep. Charlie seemed to have a black smudge on his upper lip that spread out onto his cheek.

"Charlie what the fuck is on your face?" Juniper sighed, attempting to wipe off whatever it was.

"Good morning to you to Junie." Charlie wriggled out of her grasp, peering at his reflection.

Teddy and Leo snickered as Charlie gasped with indignation, whirling around to face Teddy accusingly, "What did you do to my beautiful face?!"

"Don't look at me mate!" Teddy put his hands up innocently, him and Juniper struggling to hide their laughter.

Charlie turned to Leo, who smiled sheepishly, "Well it was supposed to be a dashing little mustache, but it seems as though it may have...erm...spread a bit during the night."

"A BIT?!" Charlie growled, lunging for Leo.

"Easy mate it wasn't my idea!! James is the one who drew it!" He lowered his voice, whispering to Juniper, "In permanent marker..."

Juniper clapped a hand over her mouth, snorting, "Where is James anyways?"

"Still snoring his arse off."

"Not for long." Charlie started to charge into James's room, but Juniper stopped him.

"Wait, let's think about this for a second, he's still sleeping, which means we have some time to come up with the perfect way to wake him up..." She smiled deviously, pulling the boys in to whisper her idea.

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