- W A N D S U P -

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Juniper donned her black cloak, and crept out of the dorm quietly. The sun had barely risen, the stars and the moon still twinkling in the night sky. It was Halloween, and while most students spent the occasion at Hogwarts, Juniper was not most students. Her and her brother had been doing this since their very first year at Hogwarts, and then the following with Nessa, and now Cali.

They'd wake at the crack of dawn, Juniper's least favorite part, and then journey to McGonagall's office to use the Floo network. Originally, their aunt had been there to supervise, but once James and Juniper hit third year, it didn't make sense anymore. October 31st wasn't just another holiday for the members of the Potter family, and they'd never forget it.

"James! Psst, James!" Juniper whispered into the dark dorm room, then remembered their newfound ability.



Are you ready?


That's not an answer

Are you sure?

Nessa's going to kill us if we're late again

We had a very good reason


Coming, coming.

The pair walked briskly down the halls and opened the door to the Headmistress's study, climbing the winding staircase up, up, up.

"Did you bring the cloak?" Vanessa nudged her older siblings, knowing full well just how forgetful they could be.

"It's hurtful how little faith she has in us." James sniffed haughtily, pulling the cloak out of his bag with a flourish.

"I know," Juniper placed a hand over her heart, pinching her sister's cheek teasingly. "We're the most trustworthy people we know."

Vanessa rolled her eyes, "Because that's really saying something, honestly I still don't know why Dad would entrust the two of you with an ancient magical artifact."

"Jealous, Nessa?" James winked.

"More like questioning Dad's mental sanity. It's certainly not because you're his favorite, we all know who that is." James, Juniper, and Vanessa all turn towards Calista, who holds her hands up defensively.

"Guys, dad doesn't have favorites."

They all just give her a look.

"Ok it's me." Calista giggles sheepishly, "It's not my fault you've all been such terrible examples."

"Are you sure you're a Hufflepuff" Vanessa tilted her head, ribbing her little sister, "Now c'mon, youngest to oldest, remember to enunciate, we all remember DIAGONALLY!" She guided her sister to the front and Calista took a handful of Floo powder, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

One by one, the Potter children took their turn at the fireplace, and in a chorus of "Godric Hollow!" They tumbled out onto the frost covered ground of the small village, looking around for their parents.

This day was always very bittersweet for the Potter clan. Their father was sad, understandably so, but tried to keep the mood upbeat. Their mother was in a constant state of worry, making sure their father was ok. Sirius, who joined them each year without fail, usually shed a tear or two, but pretended like he hadn't. Sirius would go and talk to James and Lily apart from everyone else as well, after all, he had known them best. Evelyn would come later, have supper and reminisce. The children were never certain of how to behave, but it didn't matter really. The important part was that they were there, and that James and Lily Potter's legacy lived on.

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