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The buzz surrounding Rita Skeeter's article slowly began to die down. Girls stopped accusing Juniper of withholding information regarding the bus, and most didn't ask her for any more "favors". There was still the occasional side glance she got when she walking with the four of them, a hushed gossiping between two eavesdroppers, but that was all. In truth, no one in fifth year could focus on much of anything but the upcoming O.W.L.S. And believe me, Juniper, James, Teddy, and Charlie tried. They had managed to turn blind eye for most of the first semester, but it was a much more difficult feat now that they were getting nearer. Especially with Leo, Rory, and Jade nagging them about it every chance they got. The workload was insane, everywhere Juniper looked people were studying, heads buried in books like there was no tomorrow.

The teachers weren't helping matters. In class they were given study guides and review sheets, every lesson was dedicated to preparing them for the exams. Juniper missed the days where she could just duel for the hell of it, not duel for a grade on a test she didn't want to take in the first place.

Juniper sighed, plopping her head down on the table after reading the same page over again for the hundredth time, "Ugh, she groaned, it doesn't matter how many times I read it. It doesn't do anything."

"I know." Vivian shook her head, she had given up on her studying long ago and was now devoted to scratching her full name into the table with a pencil, "I don't remember learning any of this crap."

"Right?" Juniper threw her hands up with exasperation, "I want to be an Auror, or... maybe a professional Quidditch player like Aunt Gin. I haven't decided yet."

"Fuck that do both." Viv said, blowing the wood carving to clear away the sawdust.

"See that's what I'm talking about, Juniper cried, why should I have to know the intricacies of ancient Vikagon government? They're extinct, that's useless information floating around my brain."

"I thought air was the only thing floating around your brain." Leo peered up from his book, smirking.

"Fuck off." Juniper glared at him, waving her quill at him threateningly. She returned to her studying, and could already feel headache starting to form. She grumbled lowly, tapping her foot impatiently beneath the table.

"Okay that's it!" Vivian snapped her book shut with a loud bang, "We're not doing this anymore."

"We're not?" Juniper lifted her gaze hopefully, wondering what her friend had in mind.

"Viv..." Rory tsked disapprovingly, "We should-"

"I know Ror!" Vivian retorted, "It's 9:00 in the evening, and we're studying. We're fucking studying. We're on holiday for Merlin's sake! We don't even have lessons tomorrow!"

"The only reason we don't have lessons for the rest of the week is because we're supposed to study for OWLS." Juniper pointed out glumly.

"Since when have you ever done what you were supposed to do?" Vivian cocked an eyebrow challengingly at Juniper, "We're going out. We're going out right now!"

Juniper cheered, stuffing her books in her bag, "Hell yeah we are."

"I don't know..." Jade looked torn, while Rory looked flat out appalled.

"Nope you're coming Jade, Vivian grabbed her hand, we're all coming. No exceptions, no excuses, that means you Ror." She stared Rory down with the intensity of a laser beam.

"C'mon Rory, Jade wheedled, all we've been doing is studying it'll be good for us to go. You know you want to."

"Well-" Rory hesitated, viewing their pleading faces.

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