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"Junie! Juniper!"

"Huh- wha-?" Juniper woke up with a start, blinking her eyes. Ow. She rubbed her head. Ow. Ow. Her face was all smushed on one side, and the skin on her left cheek was sticky with drool. There was a massive ink stain on the collar of her uniform shirt. Well, that was just perfect.

"Herbology's over," Leo nudged her, hoisting Juniper to her feet. "You have History of Magic in fifteen minutes. And I've got Astronomy."

Juniper yawned, "How long have I been out?"

"I'd say since you opened the textbook," Leo plucked out a quill that had nestled itself in her mess of curls. Seventh years didn't do anything but study now. They were supposed to use the extra time to prepare for N.E.W.T.S, but Juniper had been so so tired. And Herbology dissertations were so so boring.

"Brilliant," Juniper shouldered her bag, still groggy. She leaned on her cousin's shoulder as they walked down the corridor. Juniper could feel a massive headache coming on, and briefly wondered if she should duck down to the Great Hall for a spot of coffee. Her stomach made a loud growling noise at even the thought of the Great Hall.

Leo stifled a laugh, "Christ, what creature is living in there?"

"Shove off," Juniper grumbled. She was in no mood for this. She was cranky, hungry, and caffein deprived. That was a deadly triad. "I overslept and missed breakfast."

Victoire popped out from around the corner, Henry in tow. Her uniform was coated with a shiny pink substance. "Late night, darling?" Victoire's eyebrows waggled suggestively.

Juniper avoided the question with a question of her own, "What's with the new style choice?"

"Erumpent Potion gone wrong," Victoire waved her hands airily. Then she struck a pose, "Think I'm kinda rocking it though."

"As usual," Henry said, winking. He made his way over to Leo and kissed him on the cheek, slipping him a white paper bag. "Chocolate from Honeydukes. Vic and I ditched first period for Hogsmeade."

"Awww," Juniper cooed, then tried to swipe a piece from him. "Now gimme."

"No!" Leo smacked her hand away, holding the bag close to his chest. Leo protected chocolate with his life. "My boyfriend. My chocolate. Make your own boyfriend get you chocolate."

She narrowed her eyes, lowering her voice to the dangerous one she always used when she was mad at Teddy, "Leo I swear to god I'm going to eat you in the next five seconds if I don't get some caffeine."

"Damn," Victoire noted, "you really did have a late night."

Juniper nodded, "Yeah, I did."

"Oooh," Henry and Victoire shimmied their shoulder in sync, "steamy." At the exact same time, Leo said, "Ew, gross."

"Not that kind of late night," Juniper rolled her eyes, correcting them. Though she had had plenty of those, but— come to think of it, not lately. In fact, she barely saw Teddy these days.

He used to come by her dorm every night, or she'd come by his. But he hadn't, and every time she went over there he wasn't there. For instance, this morning Teddy usually would have woken her up, or at least grabbed her a scone and coffee when he realized she missed breakfast. They'd both been busy lately, she guessed. The end of the year was fast approaching, and everything seemed to be ramping up all at once.

At least, that was what Juniper hoped was the cause. There was that part of her, a suspicion that kept popping up in the back of her mind, that he was pulling away purposefully. It just— it felt like he was never around anymore. Not since, well— not since they'd talked about getting a flat after school together. This was exactly what Juniper had been afraid of. That she scared him off with the conversation. And now he was closing off.

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