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It was almost like Shell Cottage knew they were leaving. Grey clouds darkened the sky, the sea swirling with raging waves of foam. The ocean was a dull, dishwater colour outside Juniper and Rory's balcony window as they packed up the last few things.

"Have you seen my --?" Juniper started, but before she even finished her sentence Rory tossed her the exact t-shirt she was looking for. Juniper caught it gratefully, shoving it in her duffel bag. She smiled, "What would I do without you?"

Rory blew her a kiss, lifting a careless shoulder, "Perish."

"She's right you know," Teddy said from the doorway, tugging on Juniper's ponytail as she passed.

"Whatever," Juniper swatted his hand away, scowling. "It's not as if you're any better."

"True," Teddy agreed jovially. He winked at Rory, "We love you babes."

"Junie, can you kindly tell your boyfriend to fuck off and stop calling me babes?"

"With pleasure," Juniper smirked evilly. She turned to Teddy, lips curving sweetly, "Fuck off."

Teddy shook his head, grin creeping up his face, "You're going to pay for that, Potter."

"I highly doubt that," Juniper challenged, never one to back down. She tilted her chin upwards, daring him to test her.

"Really want me to prove it?" Teddy whispered, low and dangerous. "Because I will." The tension between them radiated heat, so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Still in the fucking room guys," Rory pressed her lips together, blinking at them. She raised her eyebrows pointedly, "Do I need to remind you every five seconds that the two of you are not, in fact, the only people in the world?"

Teddy and Juniper payed no mind to her, kissing lengthily. His hands were secure around her waist, and Juniper sighed into him. She didn't think she'd ever get tired of kissing Teddy Lupin.

Thankfully, Rory had a few tricks of her own up her sleeve. "Potter!" she called, smiling smugly.

Teddy groaned, "You're the worst, Ror."

James ducked into the room, expression souring when he found his sister and best friend snogging with an absurd amount of passion. He sighed, "Teddy, you know--I'd really hate to hit you right now, mate. I love you, bubs. But--let's maybe unglue your lips from my twin sister's. Just a thought." Teddy reluctantly obliged, and Juniper rolled her eyes. Her stupid brother. What a cock block. Honestly.

"Thank you, mate. I appreciate that," James nodded in respect, then focused his full attention on Rory. "Hey beautiful," he said, walking over to her.

"Hi," Rory answered shyly, looking up at him beneath long lashes. Her voice was soft, containing an almost dreamlike quality. The girl was positively lovesick. Juniper could barely stand the two of them.

"I like this hat, Wood," James lightly flicked the top of of his own red baseball cap, which had been perched atop Rory's head for days. "Whoever gave it to you has excellent taste." The pair proceeded to gaze at each other all moony eyed. Juniper did her best to block out their conversation.

Juniper retched, whispering to Teddy, "If we ever end up like them I'm going to break up with you."

"Agreed," Teddy said with a chuckle, slapping her a high five. "Imagine you being nice."

She growled. How dare he?! It was true. But how dare he?! Juniper punched him in the arm, "You love it."

Teddy sighed, shaking his head. He grinned at her wryly, dipping his head for a kiss, "I know."

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