- F I N A L L Y -

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Juniper was in a foul mood. She had been for days. Her emotions varied from sullen and closed off to bitchy and combative, ready to flare at any moment. There was no in between. Detention sucked, studying sucked, everything sucked and Juniper was tired of it. She didn't even have Quidditch to distract her since the season wouldn't start again til after holiday.

She hadn't seen Xavier since the...altercation in the hallway, which was purposeful. Juniper had been going out of her way to avoid running into him. Of course, rumours were still spreading through Hogwarts like wildfire. Anyone could see Xavier's black eye and Teddy's split knuckles, and each time the story was told it grew increasingly more exaggerated. Thankfully, people were slowly starting to move away from it and buzz about the  dance on Saturday, before exams this year, instead of after. Which also sucked, but not as much as the whole Xavier Teddy thing.

Juniper scowled at the posters lining the walls, quite wishing she could tear them all into tiny tiny pieces which she would then set aflame. "Fucking Happily Ever After dance." She muttered irritably, slouching beside Vivian. "Life isn't a bloody fairytale! Love isn't real, it's just a scam created by-" She shouted loudly in the direction of the nuzzling couples around the corridor, until Rory clapped a hand over her mouth.

"Don't mind her." Jade said, apologizing to the disgruntled couples. "We're so sorry."

Juniper struggled under Rory's iron like grip, "Mmph-!"

"Junie!" Jade chastised, swatting her. Once they were safely out of earshot, Rory released her, shaking her head.

"What?" Juniper replied crossly, "I was only telling them the truth. Happily Ever After is just something we made up to distract us from the inevitable march to death."

All three girls blinked. "Well you're in a fun mood today." Rory raised her eyebrows, sharing a look with Jade and Vivian.

"Better than pretending to be Cinderella. There's no prince, and there will never be a prince because men are pigs and incapable of true love. Which doesn't exist anyways, and anyone who says different is lying to themselves " Juniper ranted all in one breath, fist clenching and unclenching.

"So that's where you're at huh?" Jade rubbed her shoulder sympathetically.

"What?" Juniper asked, slumping down on a nearby bench.

"With the whole Xavier thing." Jade explained, tilting her head.

Even the name made Juniper's blood boil. "Who said anything about Xavier?" She snapped.

"Okayyyy." Vivian hoisted Juniper off the bench, dragging her upright. "You know what you need? A proper girls' night, so you can get drunk and forget about that snake once and for all."

"I can't go out, remember?" Juniper reminded her sourly, "All because I slapped his slimy face."

"Well then we'll stay in." Vivian proclaimed, walking up the moving stairs. "I've got a bottle of fire whiskey or two lying around. We can do Never Have I Ever, listen to my fuck all boys breakup playlist, cry and dance around the room in our pajamas. Pillow fight. Whatever you want J."

"Alright." Juniper agreed begrudgingly, a hint of a smile creeping up her lips. "But only because if James or Charlie tries to shove sweets at me and 'check in' on me one more time I'll go fucking insane." Juniper was starting to get bit excited in spite of herself. She hadn't had real fun in ages, and she hadn't really cried yet either. Either way, she was sick of doing nothing. Also, she had recently discovered she liked music by some Muggle singer named- what was it again? Tyler? Tammy? Sway something? "Hey V, " she nudged Vivian, "what's that Muggle singer's name? The one who sings that song I like."

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