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"I hate her," Juniper collapsed on the bed with a loud sigh, arms and legs spread in a starfish position.

Rory put a hand up in solidarity from where she was reading, "Trust me, the feeling's fucking mutual."

"I mean, I really hate her." Juniper repeated, rolling over to her stomach. She had a headache the size of Texas, and was entirely dreading Quidditch practice. QUIDDITCH! A sport she'd been in love with since her dad handed her her first broom.

The wind in her hair, the burst of adrenaline she got a glimpse of that golden glint in the sky, the rush of the game, the feeling of absolute and total freedom, like she could do anything. Well that was all ruined now. Everything Juniper had loved about flying was now stained with Selene.

Selene's perfect hair, and her perfect smile, and her perfect French accent, and her perfect- EVERYTHING! It had been nearly a month, and Juniper was flat out sick of it. She was sick of Selene's poisonous words, her searing glares that made Juniper's skin burn, and the hungry yellow glow her haunting eyes took on when she wanted something. She was sick of the way Selene had everyone wrapped around her tiny finger. And she was especially sick of how she talked to Teddy. Fawned over him, touched his chest and his arms and his hair. Curved those full lips at him during Quidditch practice, which he was now watching each day, without fail.

All the while, Selene "accidentally" dropped Juniper's captains badge in the mud, or "was so sorry" she ripped Juniper's favorite Holyhead Harpies shirt. Selene pouted and oopsied her way into everything. No one saw it. No one saw anything but Selene. Bright, shiny Selene, who could never do anything wrong.

It was enough to drive a girl mad. Hence the reason her and Rory were currently in the boys' dorm.

"Oh come on, she can't be that bad." Leo said, looking up from his notes.

Rory and Juniper both stared at him, murderous.

Leo winced at their expressions, "That was the wrong thing to say, wasn't it?"

"What do you think?" Rory cocked her head, eyeing him.

"This is what I get for letting the two of you in..." Leo mumbled to himself, "...we should really get a lock..." Rory arched an eyebrow at Leo, he nodded warily, "Right- I'll be shutting up now."

"She's just everywhere- everywhere!" Juniper exclaimed, nearly ripping out her own hair from frustration, "She fucking everywhere, all the fucking time. She's in my classes, she's in my house, she's in my dorm, she's in my common room, she's on my Quidditch team damn it! My fucking Quidditch team!" Juniper was practically yelling at this point, enraged to no end, "It's like she's trying to squeeze me out of my own life! All the time, she's with-"

"James." Rory said, quietly, at the exact moment Juniper said, "Teddy."

The two girls looked to each other, stammering, "James- yes that's what I meant- Teddy- yes she's with- I just got confused- I mean did you- I didn't mean- did you- ?" Their words overlapped as they each tried to explain what had just occurred.

Leo snorted, "The two of you are perfect for each other."

"What are you laughing about?" Juniper growled, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. Rory mirrored her.

"Denial." Leo smiled, nodding his head wisely, "It's a funny thing." He chuckled to himself again, while the girls turned to each other, eyes narrowing.

"3, 2, 1..."

"Oh shit."

"NOW!" They both screamed, flying off of the beds, pillows in hand. They descended on Leo with fury, attacking him with the fluffy, feathery weapons of their choosing.

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