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Juniper made a sound of contentment, snuggling deeper into Xavier's chest. The early morning light filtered through her gauzy curtains. Her and Xavier had gotten a little...carried away last night, celebrating their two month anniversary. Usually, Juniper slept over at his place, since he had private quarters, but there was a first time for everything, and the girls were staying at Evie's.

She was immensely glad that there was no Quidditch today, no classes, sure she had homework, but that could wait. Juniper was very comfortable nestled into the crook of Xavier's arm.

Xavier began to awake, mumbling in a sleepy voice as he stroked Juniper's arm, trailing a line of soft kisses along her shoulder, "You up?"

"Mmhmm." Juniper nodded, giggling at the feather light touch of Xavier's lips on her bare skin.

"So last night was fun." He whispered, playing with the strap of her bra and letting his fingers trail down her bare torso.

Juniper blushed, touching a hand to the love bites littering her neck, "Good morning to you too."

His mouth met hers, hands gripping her thighs as they kissed. Xavier grinned, breaking apart from their embrace and tucking a stray curl behind her ear. Both of their cheeks were flushed, hair mussed from sleep.

"I-" Xavier started to say something, but was quickly interrupted when the door to Juniper's dorm swung open.

"Junie have you seen-" Teddy walked in, eyes landing on the pair in bed, "Oh-"

"Need something Teddy?" Juniper pulled back from Xavier, wincing slightly. She saw Xavier scramble to cover them up with the bedding. Aw that was cute.

"No- no I can just come back later, the two of you were-" Teddy scratched his head awkwardly, obviously not sure quite how to act.

"Sounds great." Xavier replied in a tight voice, staring the other boy down with aggression.

"It's fine." Juniper sighed, hopping out of bed to see what he needed. She grabbed a hair tie off the nightstand , twisting her bedhead into a functional bun, "Can you toss me that?" She asked Teddy, gesturing to one of her brother's shirts on the nightstand.

"Sure." He threw the shirt at her, and Juniper slipped it on over her bra and underwear. That seemed to make Xavier a little happier. Quietly, Juniper wondered why he was so agitated.

"Thanks." She arched her back, yawning, "So why are you in here?"

"Quidditch jerseys? We're scrimmaging."

Juniper rummaged around in her closet. Teddy stood awkwardly by the dresser, shifting from foot to foot, doing his best not to look in Xavier's direction. "Zabini." He nodded in acknowledgement.


Juniper finally found what she'd been looking for, procuring.a green netted bag triumphantly, "Just washed them. Try not to get them too dirty." She gave Teddy a knowing look, raising an eyebrow.

"Potter." Teddy through her a devilish grin, "C'mon. Dirty's my middle name."

"Shut up." Juniper shoved the bag of jerseys at him, rolling her eyes.

"Hey Teddy did you get the-" Charlie waltzed into the room, half dressed, "Brilliant thanks Junie!" Without missing a beat, he said, "Oh, hey Xavier. What's up man?"

Xavier blinked for a second, "Nothing much..."

"See you on the pitch, Potter?" Teddy asked as him and Charlie turned to leave.

"Maybe." She shrugged, stealing a glance at Xavier, "We might head to town today, so we'll see." Juniper waved goodbye as the guys disappeared out the door and then closed the door behind her. She returned to the bed, straddling Xavier, "Where were we?"

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