- F I G H T I N G -

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Juniper yawned, scratching out another word as she revised her essay. It had been a long week. Her eyes were strained in the dimly lit library, the afternoon sun steadily sinking behind the mountains. She had a massive headache and her hand was cramping. The smell of musty books was causing her to sneeze every five seconds, and Juniper had ink smudges crossing her palms. Figured that McGonagall would assign an essay with no warning, and expect it due the next time she saw them . It was already Thursday for Merlin's sake. Usually, Rory and Juniper did Advanced Transfiguration homework together, but her brunette best friend was nowhere to be found. Vivian wouldn't be caught dead in the library, and Jade was in the greenhouses per usual.

Unfortunately, the library was the only place Juniper could go these days to get some peace and quiet. She yawned for the fourth time in five minutes, laying her head on the desk and sliding her glasses of the bridge of her nose where they had started to form an imprint. Juniper had spent the days since the disastrous events in Diagon Alley juggling her time between Xavier and her friends. It had become abundantly clear to her that Xavier and Teddy could not be in a room together for more than five seconds without ripping each other's heads off.

This meant that Juniper needed to make sure they never crossed paths. It also meant that she missed stuff. She tried to make the time equal with both parties, but it was hard. Xavier was her boyfriend after all. A fact that he'd reminded her of constantly these days come to think of it. Juniper thought she was doing the right thing. You make sacrifices in relationships, right?

Juniper missed her friends though. Like the other night, when she'd come in from a late outing with Xavier, Lola, and Brian and found Rory chasing her brother around the common room, everyone else in a fit of laughter. She was spending more time ensuring that Xavier and Teddy didn't see each other than she was with any person in her life.

Yesterday, when she'd finally gotten to hang out with the guys, Teddy berated her the whole time about how they hadn't seen her. Like she didn't fucking know that already. And then later, she heard the same spiel from Xavier about "priorities". Her head was spinning trying to keep everyone happy.

In short, Juniper was exhausted.

Sure, she had an abundance of issues, doesn't everyone? But a shit ton of them could be solved if a certain blonde and a certain boyfriend would just bloody get along. Speak of one of the devils.

"Hey sweetie." Xavier dropped a kiss on her cheek, wrapping his arms around her, "Still studying?"

Juniper patted his arm, kissing him in reply, "Mmmhmm." She murmured noncommittally, returning his attention to her parchment.

"Just the essay then?" Xavier asked, propping his chin on her shoulder and peering at her work.

"Yeah." She groaned, "McGonagall's class is killer. It's due on Monday and normally I'd wait until the last second, but I just want to get it over with."

"Are my good habits finally wearing off on you?" Xavier smiled, kissing the back of her hand so she would stop writing and focus on him.

Juniper touched a thumb to his cheek, shaking her head, "Don't get too excited. I've got History of Magic tomorrow and I haven't even looked at the schedule for this week."

"Yeah." Xavier rolled his eyes, scoffing, "Like Spinnet ever gives homework. It's not like we're learning anything in that god awful class anyways."

Juniper frowned a bit, taking her hand back from Xavier's to dip her quill in ink and continue writing. For some reason, Xavier wasn't a fan of Professor Spinnet and her methods of teaching. Juniper had no idea why. Personally, she loved the class. Looked forward to it even, which was saying a lot considering History of Magic was her most dreaded class just last year.

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