- A N E W B E G I N N I N G -

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Juniper smoothed the fabric of her skirt down on her thighs, pulling her sheer stockings over her feet. She stepped in front of the mirror, taking a quick glance at the time on the clock. She still had a few minutes before she should begin heading out. Her black boots lay waiting beside her leather jacket on the dresser, although she was wearing a tight cream colored sweater, the clouds blocking the starry sky outside were steadily gathering, and Juniper wanted to be prepared in case it rained.

She twisted her hair into a low bun, resting on the nape of her neck, wild bits of her hair refusing to be contained, and zipped up her boots. Satisfied, Juniper began to get her things together, putting her wand and Muggle cell phone into a small purse of Rory's. She hadn't told anyone she was going to see Alex. James would want to come, Charlie, Leo, and Rory would ask a billion questions, and Teddy...well, she didn't know how he'd react. Not like she knew where he was.

In a spur of the moment decision, Juniper put on a bit of lip gloss and mascara, surprised when she didn't smudge her eyes like she usually did. Vanessa would be proud. The girl swiveled in front of the mirror again, sighing as she looked at her reflection. Memories of her very first date with Alex flashed through her mind. Not just her first date with Alex, her first date...ever. The white dress Nessa had picked and the converse Juniper had insisted on wearing. The drive in movie and the beachy smell of Alex's truckbed, sand beneath the blankets and surfboards overhead.

It was the perfect first date, the perfect first date. He was just such a good guy. The best person she knew. Teddy had never even taken her on a real date because Teddy Lupin didn't do dates. And there she went again, thinking about Teddy. She had to stop that. Why couldn't she stop?

Juniper took a deep breath, determined to go into this date- not date- whatever with a clear head. Free of any lingering Teddy Lupin thoughts. She could do this. She could. Juniper slung the purse over her shoulder, looking one last time in the mirror before turning to go. Just as she reached for the doorknob, it swung open, someone waiting on the other side.

"Junie." No question, no command, just her name. How could one little word hold so much meaning. So much emotion. So much power.

Juniper inhaled slowly, keeping her voice calm, "Teddy."

As soon as his name left her lips she was crushed into a soft embrace, the warmth of Teddy's body enveloping her own. His head was buried in her shoulder, he whispered, "You're ok."

Juniper couldn't allow herself to sink into the comfort of Teddy, she had somewhere she has to be, She couldn't get caught up in whatever this was. Why was he so worried? She didn't understand him. She never understood him. "Yeah."

"We're not supposed to pull that shit on each other anymore." Teddy murmured into her neck, "Remember?"

Juniper did remember. She remembered crawling into Teddy's bed after he'd been missing. She remembered him holding her. She remembered telling him not to do that to her ever again. She remembered kissing him. And most of all, she remembered him pulling away. "I know," she murmured back, biting her lower lip.

"I'm sorry," Teddy said, his breath hot on her cheek. His eyes looked wet, but Juniper knew it had to be just a trick of the light. "I'm so sorry, Juniper. It's all my fault. If I'd never-" He pulled away from her, clutching his head in his hands, "It's all my fault. You could have- and-"

"What are you talking about?" Juniper asked. "It's not your fault, it's hers. You didn't do anything."

"Exactly." Teddy clenched his fists, repeating, "I didn't do anything. I'm so sorry."

"I know," Juniper replied for the second time, staring at the floor. Teddy finally noticed what she was wearing, the purse over her shoulder, her makeup and boots.

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