- G O R G E O U S -

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Juniper opened her eyes groggily, vaguely registering the calm flight attendant's voice over the intercom. She blinked, peering at her surroundings. Her limbs acted with the soreness of being cramped in the small plane seat, and the undoubtedly uncomfortable position she had spent most of the flight in. It was a miracle she'd been able to sleep at all with James snoring his arse off next to her. It had been that or risk Vanessa's pointy elbows or Cali's imminent motion sickness. She shook her brother awake, probably more harshly than she needed to, but that was what he got for keeping her up half the time. He was just as bad as Rory.

"James!" Juniper flicked open the window shade, letting the bright light attack his closed eyes. "James you little shit, wake up!" She poked his face annoyingly.

"Oi!" James batted her away indignantly, ducking for cover, "Wassamatterwityou." At least that's what Juniper thought he said, his voice was rather muffled and he was speaking in the garbled way he always did when he had just woken up. Juniper was 99% certain that James did not regain full function of his brain until at least four hours post-sleep.

"We're here you dumbarse." Juniper yanked him out of the seat with impatience, jumping to try and get their things from the overhead compartment. "Merlin's balls, why are these things so high." She reached unsuccessfully upwards, straining for the handle of her trunk.

James rubbed his eyes, rising from his seat, all six feet of him comically disproportionate to the narrow aisle. "Ouch." He muttered, wincing as he hit his head on the ceiling, stretching a lanky arm up to pull down their stuff. "Here", he handed Juniper her bag, "why are we even on this bloody Muggle contraption in the first place?"

"Because mum's gone batshi- hi mum!" Juniper stopped mid sentence, her mother and father walking over to them. Her mother raised a stern eyebrow, as if she knew exactly what Juniper had been about to say. Oops.

Oops is right Junebug, but luckily for you I'm in much too good of a mood to reprimand you right now

Miranda kissed her son on the cheek, "Go help Nessa would you? She can't reach her luggage." She directed James down the aisle where a perturbed Vanessa stood.

"It's not my fault she's so god damn short." James grumbled lowly, earning himself a nougie from his father and a murderous look from his little sister.

"I FUCKING HEARD THAT JAMES!" Vanessa shouted, blonde hair whipping around so fast it could've slit someone's throat, and Juniper thanked her lucky stars that they were some of the last few still aboard the plane. She grimaced, an invisibility cloak would be really fucking useful right about now.

"Are you embarrassed to be seen with us Junie?" Her father noticed her expression and took full advantage, gasping dramatically. Harry couched his heart with hurt, very loudly sniffing, "I'm wounded."

"DAD!" She hissed, slapping a palm to her forehead, "Please don't!"

"You used to like your mad family Junebug" Harry reminded her, ruffling her hair. Juniper dodged his hand, hiding her face with her hand. "You're mad too, or at least you used to be. Remember when you made that ice cream pool?"

"Dad," Juniper's cheeks reddened at the memory, "I was six!"

"It's a shame you grew up, her dad shook his head with mock disappointment, you were so much more entertaining when you were younger. Now it's all, Dad you're embarrassing me, dad don't, dad I can't be seen with you in public, dad-"

"DAD! Please!" Juniper begged, eyes widening. Her dad clearly enjoying getting a rise out of her. "Between you, James and Nessa, mum, and my lack of sleep, I cannot physically handle this today."

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