- F I N E -

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juniper's pov:

I woke up the morning after the party, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes, expecting to see the face of my boyfriend, but instead, nearly screamed when I found a head of messy blond curls tucked over mine. Then the events of last night came tumbling back to me.

I'd declined saying in Xavier's dorm last night, he understood. Kind of... I'd had to promise to spend the whole day today with him. I just really hated missing movie night. Especially if it was Say Anything! C'mon, who can resist the boombox scene? I know it's sort of stupid, but I sometimes wished someone would do one of those big greta romantic gestures for me. I'd probably hate it and love it at the same time.

It was nice to think about someone caring enough about another person to risk everything. There was a reason romance movies made bank.

Regardless, I was in deep shit. Sure, I knew that Teddy and I were comfortable around each other and had sleepovers all the time, but Xavier definitely wouldn't see it that way. For some reason he was super jealous of Teddy. I couldn't figure out why, and every time I asked he either denied it, or shut down completely.

No matter how many times I told him there was nothing going on, that Teddy and I were just close friends and nothing more, he just wouldn't believe it. To be honest, it was getting old, and slightly annoying. And this sleeping situation would not help my case. I prayed that Teddy would wake up soon so I could get out of here. Xavier was supposed to pick me up in the common room at 10, and I had no idea what time it was.

Teddy must've taken my glasses off for me when I fell asleep so I couldn't read the clock. I hoped it was early. Hoped that-

"Juniper?" The door swung open.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Had I fucking manifested something? Was the universe punishing me? Why? Why? Why? Oh fucking merlin shit balls. I screwed my eyes shut tightly, crossing my fingers that when I opened them I would not see my very angry boyfriend standing in the doorway.

No such luck.

"Hi Xavier." I smiled brightly, like nothing was amiss, extricating myself from a groggy Teddy, just starting to wake up. Seriously Teddy? Now? You picked now?! Ugh! The rest of the boys were starting wake up too, bleary eyed and confused.

"Juniper! What the fu-" He roared, murderous eyes zeroed in on Teddy.

I sprang out of bed, pushing Xavier out the door and into the hall, casting a Muffliato charm and Colloportus as a precaution. I knew where this was headed. "Morning sweetie." I attempted deflecting as a last resort, knowing it wouldn't work.

"Juniper!" He crossed his arms, nostrils flaring, "Want to explain to me what I just saw?"

"Me waking up late?" I offered hopefully, "I'll get ready and be down in a sec for our date if-"


"Okay fine." I relented, "But I don't know how to explain it to you. Teddy and I are friends."

"So basically, your whole thing yesterday about being tired and wanting to head back to your dorm was bullshit?" Xavier growled at me, "You could have just told me you wanted to cuddle with your precious Teddy instead of me." His voice was sharp like knives. This stupid Teddy thing again. He was being so whiny, I couldn't stand it.

"I have told you a thousand times Xavier!" I cried, "You know the guys and I have sleepovers. You know Teddy and I are just friends! I fell asleep watching a movie! It doesn't mean anything."

"Juniper he was all over you!"

"I don't know how else to make you understand Xavier!" I threw my hands up in frustration. "He's my best friend! Of course we're close."

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