- W O R L D C U P -

43 6 20

I laced up my trainers, securing the black tangles with a maroon headband. My body quivered with anticipation, I could practically feel the magic buzzing in the air. It was the World Cup today, and I was hoping to get a run in before we all left for the game. God I loved Quidditch. The excitement, the danger, the windswept feeling of freedom as you flew through the air. I peeled the bandage back from my forehead and bit my lip. It looked better. Teddy had done a surprisingly nice job of stitching it up last week. Mum had refused to fix it with magic, saying we needed to be more careful , and it would teach me a lesson for next time. It didn't matter much to me. I quite liked scars, and this probably wouldn't scar in the first place.

I think Teddy felt bad about the whole thing, seeing as it was mostly his fault. I assumed that was why he'd taken such care of me when he saw I was bleeding. The memory of him yelling at me in the rain flashed in my mind.

"Will you just let me take care of you for once?!"

I'd been stunned into silence the whole walk back to the house. He had that unfamiliar intensity in his eyes again. It had remained there while he cleaned me up, softening when he apologized. It was odd. Usually, I could read Teddy like a book, but this was new. It was sweet though, even though he'd shouted, it was still a nice sentiment. I didn't usually let anyone take care of me. I hated it actually. I let him. Maybe it was the look he gave me, or how concerned he had been when he saw my blood. Whatever the case, I had let him.

All these thoughts ran through my head as my trainers traversed the dewy grass. I was grateful for the outlet running gave. The heady rush of adrenaline and the crisp morning air took my mind off the weird energy Teddy had been emitting lately. Stupid-

"Teddy!" I tripped over a rock, careening to the grass. Oh gross. There was probably mud in my hair now.

"Jesus Junie!" Teddy exclaimed, reaching a hand down to help me up. He was even more sweaty than I was, but somehow he managed to pull it off. Figured.

"Are you ok? Is your head-" That deep concern appeared in his gaze again. Stop it! I wanted to say. Stop being so- so- I didn't even know. Whatever it was it was confusing and I didn't like it. Just go back to normal!

He lifted his hand like he was going to cup my chin, but I shied away. He withdrew it immediately thank god. Why was he still looking at me like that?

"I'm fine Teddy." I brushed him off perhaps a bit too harshly. He got the kicked puppy look on his face. I dusted my knees off and stood, without taking his hand I might add. Couldn't risk it. Yeah I didn't like him anymore, but he was still hot. Even hotter than he had been last year, if that was possible. Sharper jawline, broader chest, defined muscle. Lots of it, that I could very plainly see as he was currently shirtless.

"How long have you been out here?" I asked, jumping up and down to stay warm, "It's barely seven."

Teddy shrugged, raking and through his damp hair, "I dunno an hour or two? I get a lot of energy right before a full moon."

"Oh. That's right. I forgot." I came to moment of realization, "It's a werewolf thing?" I suddenly noticed the faint scars on his back that hadn't been there before.

"Yeah." He said bitterly, "Must be nice to forget."

I recoiled, a little hurt. "I didn't mean-"

"No I know you didn't!" Teddy sighed, pressing his fingertips to his temples, "Sorry Junie, I get tense when- and I snap at people- I- I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I replied, starting to run again. Teddy kept pace with me. Oh. Guess we were running together now. I could feel the magic bristling off of him. I suspected he could run at this quick speed for several more hours if he wanted to. "You know you don't have to run with me if-"

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