- L A K E H O U S E -

39 6 14

juniper's pov:

I pulled on a cami and a pair of cutoffs. It was a warm afternoon, which I was grateful for. That meant we could go swimming in the lake today. We got to the cabin, by Floo network of course, just a few minutes go. Well, we call it a cabin. It's really more of a very large lakehouse. Three stories, eight bedrooms, and a small guesthouse out back, all laying on an acre's worth of property. My parents, the McGonagalls, and the Granger-Weasleys had bought it around the time we all turned five. They all had steady jobs, steady income, and needed a place to let us roam free without worrying. They'd built the guesthouse after the fact, for Molly and Arthur or Evelyn and Sirius when they came to visit. It was pure luck that the World Cup was just a few miles away.

I peered out my window, taking in the lush treetops and fresh air. The kids all stayed on the third floor. Vanessa, Rose, and Evelyn splitting one bedroom, the guys split the room next to mine, and Ethan and Cali each had their own room. We pretty much had the run of the house this summer, all our parents were occupied with the World Cup or the upcoming election.

The screen door creaked open downstairs. I wondered who was here. I was surprised that no one else had arrived yet, the Potters were never the first to anything, like ever.

"James!" I called, not really wanting to go down the numerous flights of stairs, "Who is it?" There was no reply. I sighed, twisting my hair into a quick, albeit messy, bun. "James!" Still no reply. God damn it. I trudged down the stairs with annoyance, my hair already starting to come undone. I moved to fix it, and noticed my shirt ride up. Oops. Maybe mum was right and I did need some new clothes. Oh well.

"Hey Junie." Leo lounged against the counter, waving in greeting.

"Leo!" I cried, giving him a hug, and then crossed my arms disapprovingly, "Didn't you hear me from upstairs?"

He shrugged, smirking, "You were calling for James, not me."

"You arsehole." I punched him in the shoulder, shaking my head.

"You missed me." Leo preened, sticking his tongue out at me.

I looked around the kitchen searching for the other members of the McGonagall family, "Where's your- oh!" My eyes fell on a person I hadn't realized was in the kitchen, "Teddy! Hi." I embraced him, surprised by how low my head hit on his chest. Had he gotten taller? How was that even possible? He had almost a whole foot on me now, merlin's beard.

Teddy had an odd expression on his face, and he still hadn't said anything. Was he alright? He looked as though he had just swallowed a cat. "Teddy?" I repeated with concern, waving a hand in front of his face, "You ok in there?" He opened his mouth and closed it. What in the world? "Teddy?" I pressed again, and heard the distinct sounds of footfalls above. Sure enough James skidded to a stop in the kitchen, panting like he'd just run several miles.

"Did-did someone say- he wheezed, red in the face, TEDDY!" He clobbered the blonde with a hug, patting him on the back heartily. Teddy responded with equal vigor, while Leo and I just watched in disbelief.

"Do you think we should leave them alone?" Leo whispered to me, when the hug still hadn't ended.

"Honestly you two, get a room." I teased, nudging Leo as we snickered. Teddy and James both glared at me.

"See what I've had to put up with all summer." James complained to Teddy, flipping me off.

"Thank god you're back mate." Teddy responded, "I don't know how much more of Leo's incessant reading I could take. I'm suffering from Quidditch withdrawal, of course Charlie's been in bloody Romania all summer."

"Romania was fucking awesome." The screen door shut with a crash, "Dragons are badass. " Charlie strolled into the kitchen, sporting a variety of burns up and down his forearm.

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