- S N O W D A Y -

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"Hi, Teddy said, I need to talk to you."

Her jaw dropped open. Teddy looked...terrible. He was bruised and beaten beyond belief, and his face was encrusted with grime. Her hand flew to her mouth instinctually as she gasped.

"Teddy-!" She ushered him inside, but he held a bloodied hand up to stop her.

"Not here, they're sleeping. We can go to my dorm, the boys fell asleep in the common room." He limped forward, motioning for her to follow him.

"Teddy what happened?" She whispered with deep concern in her eyes, "Are you ok?"

Once they were safely inside Teddy's dorm, he practically collapsed onto the four poster bed. His eyes were bloodshot, and the right one was swelling rapidly. It brought tears to her eyes, she'd never seen him look more defeated.

She rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a couple of bandages, grateful her wand was still tucked into her back pocket. Quietly, without saying a single word, she began to perform simple healing charms, wrapping bandages around the worst wounds.

Teddy's head lolled back on the headboard, closing his eyes until she was finished, hoarsely he mumbled, "Thank you Junie."

"Teddy what- who did this to you?" Juniper asked, eyes flashing, "Because I'll-"

"I did this to me." He replied, trying to sit up straighter.

Juniper put a hand on his chest softly, "Don't try to move." Then she frowned, confused, "What do you mean? Why would you do this to yourself?"

"It wasn't exactly my choice, Teddy hacked out a weak laugh, and groaned from the hurt it caused, I'm a werewolf Junie."

"What, she drew back from shock, but there are potions for that, there are ways you can-"

Teddy shook his head, "Don't work for me, cause I'm a Metamorphagus too." He chuckled wryly, "Tonight was my first transformation." He gestured to his figure, "As you can see it didn't go very well." A trickle of fresh blood ran down from the gash near his black eye.

"Shit." Juniper said, grabbing a damp cloth, "This might sting a bit." Carefully, she held the cloth up to his eye, dabbing lightly at the abrasion.

Teddy inhaled sharply, and Juniper felt him take her hand. A tingly feeling spread through her body at his touch. She expected him to let go, but he didn't. His hand felt warm in hers.

"I'm sorry." She apologized while he winced, "I just don't want it to get infected."

"It's fine Junie, he mustered a smile, I can take it."

"You don't have to put on a brave face for me Teddy, Juniper teased, pressing the fabric to his skin to stem the bleeding, I was there when you and James cried hysterically because of that tiny little garden spider."

Teddy bit back a grin, knowing if he lifted his lips in the slightest it would hurt like hell, "James was the one who was afraid of it! It's called crying in solidarity!"

"Mmm sureee."

"Shut up."

"Teddy, she paused, why- why didn't you tell me? Or James? Or-"

"Because maybe if I didn't talk about it, it wasn't real. And the more time that passed that I didn't tell anyone, the more paranoid I became that...well... that-"

"We'd stop being friends with you?" Juniper said incredulously, "Are you daft? We don't care."

"But Junie, I'm not- me. I'm- I'm a monster. I never ever want you- or anyone to see me like that. I could hurt you...badly. I don't want-" He is cut off as Juniper hugged him fiercely.

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