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Juniper hopped into a carriage with Vivian, Jade, and Rory. Nothing could match the excitement she felt when riding up to that beautiful castle, orange lights aglow like beacons amid the dark treetops of the Forbidden Forest. Juniper's father used to tell them bedtime stories about Hogwarts, and he would describe it with such fervor and appreciation in his eyes, it only made James and Juniper want to go there more.

She looked at the raucous carriage ahead of them, smiling slightly to herself as she watched Charlie and Leo, who seemed to be in a arm wrestling match of some sort, and her brother desperately trying to get Rory's attention, who was currently staring pointedly at the floor of the carriage, stone faced. And where was Teddy? Well, he'd moved on from the blond and was now chatting up a sixth year with blunt bangs and curves for days. Figures.

Juniper crossed her arms and twisted the other way, catching the eye of Xavier Zabini in the carriage behind her, sitting with his best friends Lola and Brian. She blushed and broke eye contact, Xavier was easily one of the hottest boys in school, right up there with Theodore Lupin himself. He was also a sixth year, bloody loaded, and completely untouchable. Vanessa had been to the Zabini's mansion a few times because of her friendship with Cordelia, now the Potters were pretty well off, but it was nothing compared to the Zabini's level of wealth.

One by one, the carriages arrive at Hogwarts, and the students file into the Great Hall. Usually, the Sortings are dull for Juniper, just one more thing that prevents her from the delicious feast, but this year Cali is one of them, and Juniper is dying to know what house she'll be placed in. She slides into a seat between Leo and Vivian, waiting for her sister's name to be called.

Finally, her aunt reads out, "Calista Ariana Potter."

On cue, they all cheer loudly, the chorus of affirmations coming from the Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor tables.






Headmistress McGonagall peered at them over her scroll of names sternly, clearing her throat as a beet red Calista covered her face in her hands. The professor placed the hat on Cali's honey brown curls. For a moment, the hat hemmed and hawed, it was having a bit of difficulty deciding which house she should be in, before rearing its head and roaring for all to hear, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Professor McGonagall sighed to herself, "Lucky me, now there's one in every house."

The rest of the Sorting flies by, and Calista is delighted to find that Alice has also been sorted into Hufflepuff. Professor McGonagall makes her classic opening speech, which, per usual is followed by overdramatic encouragement from the Gryffindor table. James, Juniper, Leo, Charlie, and Teddy in particular. They do this every year.




These types of exclamations are typically followed by several over the top displays of awe, for example, in third year, James and Juniper orchestrated for a downfall of rose petals to be dumped over her head at precisely the right moment. This particular prank was made possible by Teddy getting access to the overhead balcony by morphing into Filch. Yes he's still alive, how no one knows. Charlie and Leo teamed up with Peeves to drop water balloons on unsuspecting students, creating etc perfect diversion for Teddy, Juniper, and James to set up the roses. Main character syndrome, am I right?

Professor McGonagall shot them all a glare, "As I was saying, in the words of the late Professor Dumbledore, tuck in."

The food magically appeared on their plates, and Juniper eagerly took a bite of her mashed potatoes, of course Vivian has already scarfed down half her plate, that girl eats so fast Juniper is sometimes worried she'll choke. She looked across the table at Charlie, who wad busy double fisting two drumsticks, and her brother and Teddy, who are shoveling mountains of food into their mouths like animals. Meanwhile, Leo was staring at them with the same expression as Juniper.

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