- C L O S E C A L L S -

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James pumped his fist in the air, slinging an arm each around Juniper and Teddy, "Six years down, mates, one to go!"

"Wait that's so sad," Rory pooched her bottom lip out, her and Leo sharing solemn look.

Charlie, James, Teddy, and Juniper just blinked at them.

"Is she alright?" Charlie stage whispered, "Her mind must be addled from the heat."

Rory rolled her eyes, flicking the back of his head.

Juniper laughed along with the rest of them, but she supposed Rory had a point. Hogwarts had been like her second home since she was eleven years old. How hd six years gone by so fast? Juniper wasn't sure she was ready to leave. Hell, she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do after Hogwarts. What would happen to their friendships after Hogwarts? To her and Teddy? Juniper just wanted things to stay the same. Things were so perfect right now, in this moment, she wished nothing would change. And she could stay here forever like this.

"So," James started, interrupting Juniper's thoughts, "plans for the trip."

"Which, I want to remind everyone, was my idea." Juniper said pointedly, elbowing her brother in the ribs. That motherfucker, always stealing her thunder with his big ass mouth.

James stuck his tongue out at her, "I know. But seeing as I'm the oldest-"


"Bubs, I hate to break it to you, but I'm older than all of you lot," Teddy commented with a smirk, preening.

"Sorry, Grandpa, couldn't hear you over your graying hair," Rory retorted cheekily, slapping Juniper a high five. Teddy made big puppy dog eyes at her, and Juniper giggled. He was so cute. Not that she'd ever tell him.

James clapped his best friend on the back, struggling to contain his own amusement. "Hey! Don't bully my old man. Now back to the matter at hand-"

"Still confused as to when James became in charge of this..." Juniper grumbled, crossing her arms.

"Responsible James scares the fuck out of me," Charlie said, nudging Juniper with his shoulder.

James threw his hands up in the air, frustrated, "I swear to god, if one more person interrupts me- I just want to make sure that we all have a fun and safe experience this summer."

"Oh my god you are such a mum," Juniper snickered, poking fun.

"NO I-"

"Mummy Jamessss!" They all crooned, much to James disgruntlement.

"I am not a mum!" James cried in protest, sulking.

Rory smiled softly, eyes sparkling, the words slipping out of her mouth before her brain could catch up, "You're cute when you're defensive."

"What?!" Leo, Charlie, and Juniper chorused in unison, minds blown.

A broad grin spread across Teddy's face, "What?"

James, slack jawed, gulped. His voice was almost breathless, face filled with a mixture of surprise, elation, and confusion, "What?"

The expression that Rory was currently sporting was equal parts horror and embarrassment. She looked frantically to her friends for help, desperate. Juniper just raised her eyebrows, unsure how her best friend was going to squirm her way out of this one.

"Er- what?" Rory stammered, burning a furious red. "I didn't- I- I only meant...erm..." Before Rory could dig herself into a deeper hole, Victoire showed up, skipping out of the castle, violet hair flying behind her.

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