- V I C T O I R E -

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i hope you like this chapter!!!
happy reading :)))

The last day at Hogwarts flew by, full of packing and preparing for their break. Teddy had tried to approach Juniper multiple times since her outburst last night, but each time he was turned away. Juniper was always firmly flanked by Rory and Jade. Juniper couldn't even be around him without thinking of his betrayal.

James was caught at a crossroads. Teddy was as good as his brother and Juniper was his twin sister. Charlie and Leo were staying as far out of it as possible, knowing war could ensue if either of them picked sides.

Juniper felt a pang of guilt, she didn't want to cause all of this. She didn't want any of the boys to have to choose sides, he was their best friend, and her own issues shouldn't affect that. Already it was getting exhausting to avoid Teddy. She'd never realized how much time they'd spent together on a daily basis. There was gaping, Teddy shaped hole in her life, and she had no idea how to fix it.

Juniper didn't know how she was going to survive this holiday. Teddy basically lived at the Potter's house, it would be pretty damn hard to ignore him when he was in the adjoining bedroom. She could already imagine the tension, the awkwardness, and poor James. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. Her family loved Teddy, and he loved them. It wouldn't be fair for either party to deprive them of that. Merlin, this Christmas was fixing up to be the most miserable ordeal.

And then Juniper had an idea.

She made a quick call, hugged her friends goodbye, and before she knew it she was on a train. But not a train headed for home. No, Juniper was headed for France.

Juniper watched the Scotland countryside fade away as she leaned her head against the window. Bill and Fleur Weasley had invited the Potters several times for Christmas and other holidays, but Miranda's job as an Auror kept her far too occupied.

Juniper had only seen Victoire, Dominique, and Louis a handful of times, but she just needed out. Her mum had let her go instantly, in fact she was excited Juniper was "broadening her horizons".

"Mademoiselle? Nous sommes arrivés. Mademoiselle?" A cool hand gently shook Juniper awake. "Attends tu quelqu'un? Mademoiselle?"

"Oh, er..." Juniper opened her eyes, trying to process what the woman was saying. She knew snippets of French, but not enough to decipher what the woman was saying. Silently she cursed her parents for not forcing them to learn a language. Her dad never learned a second one, although she says Parseltongue should count, and her mother, well she wasn't sure about her mother, but she assumed it was the same story.

"Erm- je ne sais pas...? Er...sorry I'm not..."

"Ah you are English, yes?" The woman gave an amused smile, speaking perfect English with only a hint of an accent.

"Yes." Juniper blushed, but she was relieved. "Thank you, just let me grab my bag and I'll be out of your hair."

"No problem Mademoiselle." The woman waved her concerns away airily, "I can walk you out, do you have someone waiting for you or should I call a taxi?" She asked as the walked down to the station.

"No I should have someone waiting for me, her name is-"

"Juniper!" A flash of violet and platinum catapulted at Juniper, hugging her so tightly it was difficult to breathe.

"Hi Victoire." Juniper strained, patting the girl on the back.

"My apologies mon chéri, I'm a hugger." Victoire released Juniper, laughing. She grabbed Juniper's bags and chattered incessantly, "You look a lot different than the last time I saw you, but I knew it was you from your eyes."

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