- S I L V E R L I N I N G -

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juniper's pov:

The first week back to Hogwarts after holidays is always the worst. I have even less motivation to do schoolwork than usual. At least Viv is back. She has been very secretive about why she left in the first place, but she seems okay so Ror, Jade, and I haven't pressed the issue. Thank god she's back too, I don't think I could've survived this week without her. It's been a rough couple of days. What is the source of my pain this week you ask? Well that would be the Daily Prophet article on our families that came out recently.

Not only did they choose the photo where I'm not even looking at the camera, but if you remember correctly I was exceedingly infuriated when the picture was taken. I swear to god I look constipated, which doesn't matter because no one even remembers I'm in the photo at all. Why? Because they're much too busy looking at my brother and my cousins. Or as Rita Skeeter described them "Handsome rogues, what trauma are they hiding under those devil may care grins? Watch out ladies." Wanna know what she said about me? "Eldest daughter, underwhelming." That's it. She didn't even put effort into bashing me. Meanwhile James, Leo, and Charlie get a whole bloody paragraph. Granted, it's mostly about their love lives and a huge invasion of privacy but still.

If I didn't notice all the girls who fancied them before, I certainly do now.

"Merlin as my witness, if one more girl asks me what the boys are like, I will stab someone."

Vivian laughed as we walked to the Gryffindor common room.

"I'm dead serious Viv, I repeated, do you have any idea how annoying it is? Like no I'm not going to tell you what they look like shirtless, no I will not spray your perfume on their pillows so they fall in love with you. That's creepy."

"Wait someone actually asked you that?" Vivian looked at me with astonishment.

"Not just one girl either, there were at least five." I told her. It was true, there were plenty of girls who were using me to shoot their shot. Some were harmless, but others were just plain inappropriate. Their people, not objects, and frankly I wasn't really comfortable with random people sexualizing my family. And I was certainly not comfortable when girls asked me if I'd hooked up with any of them. Those insinuations were definitely the worst.

It genuinely terrified me that girls legitimately thought I was hooking up with my best friends. That's fucking incest Amelia! And they're always whispering behind my back like, "She must've done the dirty with at least two." NO ACTUALLY NO I HAVEN'T. Or even worse, "If my brother looked like that I'd do it." YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T HAVE A BROTHER AMELIA! WE SHARED A FUCKING WOMB!

However the one I got most frequently was, "Not even with Charlie?" This one I kind of got..I guess. Technically, we weren't related in terms of blood, but he was my cousin's cousin. Just no. Ew.

I shuddered, trying to clear my mind of those thoughts, "Stupid article."

"Sorry babe." Vivian patted me sympathetically, swinging one the portrait hole, "But J, you're a Potter. There's always going to be some level of publicity."

"Ugh why do they even care?" I groaned, climbing the stair to our dorm, "My parents are so boring. I don't get why people think they're such a big deal."

Vivian just shook her head at me, "Do you even know how much your parents and their friends did? I mean your Dad is the-"

"Chosen One, saved the wizarding world blah blah blah, I waved my hands airily, my dad literally only used one spell. And it was ages ago, yet he's still famous." To be honest, none of us kids really knew that much about when our parents were young. They told us stories sometimes, but even then most of it was public knowledge. I don't think they liked to dwell on it much. Sometimes my friends knew more about my parents' lives at Hogwarts than I did.

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