-L O V E P O T I O N-

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The four girls entered Flourish and Blotts to find the boys and most of their parents already in there. Calista looked around the store with wide eyed wonder, clutching her new wand tightly in her hand.

Juniper spotted her sister and waved, "Cali! Cali over here!"

Miranda, Harry, and Calista walked over to James and Juniper, "There you are," Juniper's mother exclaimed. "I was beginning to worry."

"We thought you'd stood us up." Her dad huffed dramatically as her mum rolled her eyes.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Potter." Jade, Vivian, and Rory waved politely. Juniper hid a smile. Her friends were always so nervous around her parents, and she found it quite funny.

"Hi girls," Miranda smiled warmly. "It's so nice to see you again. And how many times do I have to tell you? Please, call me Miranda. Mrs. Potter makes me sound so-"

"Beautiful?" Juniper's dad laced his fingers through her mum's, looking at her with a heart melting smile. Guess that's where James gets it from.

"DAD! MUM! PLEASE DON'T!" Juniper cried in horror, James following in suit. Her parents still act like lovesick teenagers sometimes, it's so embarrassing.

"Honestly," James gagged, "we're in public. Nobody wants to see that."

"Gotta agree with my man James on this one," Juniper's uncle, Mateo, piped up from behind them, side eyeing her mum with a reprimanding expression.

Her mother glared at her uncle as they seem to have a wordless communication between them. This happens a lot. Sometimes, Juniper got the sense that they connect with each other on a deeper level. She understands of course, being a twin herself, even her and James can be weirdly in sync at times.

"Where's Gin?" Miranda asked, craning her neck across the throng of shoppers in the store.

"Signing autographs, we were accosted by some fans on the way in." Her uncle mused with mirth, eyes twinkling. Juniper's aunt was a very famous Quidditch player. Juniper admired her persistence, her Aunt Ginny taught her everything she knew about the game, while her dad taught her how to be a Seeker. She'd have to find her later, and tell her about her new position as captain.

"Junie honey, where's Nessa? I didn't see her come in yet." Juniper's mum searched the room worriedly.

"And Rose? I'm assuming they're together." Hermione also surveyed the shop for her red headed daughter.

"Last I heard they were with Axel and Cordelia on the second level." Juniper answered, "They'll probably be down soon, Aunt Mione."

"Axel?" Uncle Ron's eyes narrow, "That sounds like a boy's name."

"Probably because it is." Juniper laughed, "He's in their year, Slytherin like Nessa."

Who said my little Rosie could hang out with boys? Because it certainly wasn't me." Ron glared at his wife accusingly, and then turned to his son and nephews, "What is being done about this? Who is this Axel bloke?"

"Ron, darling, and I mean this in the nicest way possible," Hermione took his hand, "please shut up. Rose can hang out with whoever she pleases."

"You tell him, Mum!" Rose's voice echoed from above them, her short crop of strawberry blond locks shining like a beacon. She stood in between Vanessa and an attractive dark haired boy in flannel. Cordelia Zabini on the other side of Vanessa.

"Is that Axel?" Ron pointed wildly at the balcony. The four boys mirroring his stern expression as they shouted at poor Axel.

"Keep your hands where I can see them Silvers!"

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