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juniper's pov:

My body was numb, mouth dry. The room around me suddenly felt very small. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I've never been broken up with before. Is that what had just happened? Had Xavier just broken up with me? I didn't know anything. Should I cry? Scream? Break something? What do I do? My body decided to run, run out of the suffocating walls of my dorm, air thick with anger. Run down the stairs, past the fifth years snagging in the alcove, through the common room, past my friends studying on the couches, and barely noticing when I bumped into Teddy. I just kept running. Straight into the second floor girls' lavatory. It was always deserted, quiet enough since Myrtle trolled the perfects bathrooms in the morning for poor unsuspecting boys.

It was calmer there. I took deep gulps of air and sank to the cool tiles, head lolling back onto the stall door. That's when the emotions started to hit me. My eyes burned with tears. I hated crying. Like really hated it. The damp floor began to seep into my jumper and I realized I was still wearing Teddy's stuff from the night before. Then, as if I'd conjured him, I heard voices echoing outside.

"You sure she's in this one?" My brother's loud whisper reached my ears. The shuffle of feet cluing me into the fact that there were more of them.

"I really don't think we're supposed to be in here." Charlie's heavy footfalls squelched and squeaked in the puddles.

Leo was next, tone wary, "What if there's another girl in there?"

"Why is it so wet? Merlin's beard." Charlie again, sounding grossed out.

"Their sink has snakes on it! Cool." James exclaimed, and I nearly laughed.

"Junie?" Teddy. Oh Teddy.

I held my breath and shut my eyes tight, hoping if I didn't make a sound they'd give up and go away. Damn it! Stupid nosy protective Teddy. Always poking his nose in my damn business in a totally sweet and totally annoying way. I should've known he'd follow me after I ran into him, but did he have to bring the whole gang?! I scrubbed my face frantically with my sleeve, knowing it was bright red and puffy. The only thing I hated more than crying was crying in front of other people. Especially the guys. I'd learned early on that crying over something was not going to get me what I wanted. And more often than not resulted in the classic, "don't be such a girl" comments I loathed so much.

I heard a knock on the stall. "Potter?" Teddy asked, halting in front of me. Shit. "I know you're in there." Double shit.

He rapped on the door again, tapping his foot impatiently, "Potter don't make me climb over the fucking stall." I stayed silent, rolling my eyes as he said, "I'll do it."

"Junie open the door." Leo called, his pair of feet joining Teddy's, "Lupin's going to kill himself."

"That'll mess up your Quidditch line up for sure." Charlie reminded me. Using Quidditch as a weapon. How dare they?!

"Potter I swear to god I'll do it." Teddy repeated determinedly.

"I know you will." I said softly, opening the stall door. I cleared my throat, surveying their worried faces. Teddy was looking at me with those big, concerned puppy dog eyes that I wasn't used to yet. "I'm fine."

Teddy folded his arms, "No you're not."

"Yes I am." I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing myself into a lighthearted expression. "Smiling, see?" I pointed to my face, trying desperately to hide the quiver in my lip. "I'm ok."

"You're only saying that so we'll leave." Teddy answered matter of factly. I hated that he knew me so well. "Tough luck Potter, you're stuck with us for life."

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