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Juniper had spent most of the ride to the Lopez house listening to her mother and and Isabel regale the car with tales of their childhood. That and carefully avoiding the crystal blue gaze of the boy in the drivers seat. From what Juniper could glean off the ramblings of her mum, Isabel and Miranda had been close friends at Ilvermorny. Apparently, their families had been close too, dating back to when Juniper's great grandmother, Isabel Castillo and Isabel's grandmother, Athena Diaz, had immigrated here from Mexico. Isabel Castillo had then married William Nott and moved to the U.K. with him. They mentioned Juniper's grandmother, and another woman also called Isabel who Juniper assumed must the current Isabel's mother. The other name thrown around a lot was Henry, the aforementioned ex-husband, though it sounded like he'd gone to school with them back in the day as well.

Juniper had never seen her mother so cheery, so joyful. Her mum's smile hadn't dimmed since they left the airport. She had learned more about her mother in the past hour than she had in her entire near sixteen years of living. Juniper could tell her dad was getting new information as well, a surprised look on his face whenever a new detail was unearthed about Miranda at Ilvermorny.

She turned her attention back to Alex, trying to observe him without being too obvious. He was quiet, that much she could tell. Or maybe it was just that her own family and friends were so loud she thought he was quiet. He drove steadily, with assurance, in fact in the past hour she hadn't seen him look anything other than relaxed. Sometimes he would say something lowly to his mother in soft Spanish, a teasing smile on his face. Juniper spotted a glint of something on his wrist, and leaned forward for a closer look.

Alex met her eye in the mirror, mouth quirking up ever so slightly. Damn it. She had been caught. Juniper flushed, flicking her eyes back down to the floor of the vehicle. However, the only reason he had caught her was because he was looking at the mirror, meaning he had been staring at her too. The thought sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach, and then an unfamiliar twinge of guilt. Guilt? Before Juniper could dwell too much on it, Alex brought the car to a stop in front of a Spanish style ranch house with adobe walls and red roofing. An array of succulents decorated the gravel driveway, and Juniper's breath was taken away from the ocean view in front of her. She hadn't even realized how far up the winding mountain road they'd gone.

Her mother hopped out of the door and took a deep inhale, "I've missed this, she gave a short laugh, gesturing at the plants, the drought tolerant landscaping is how I know I'm back." She shakes her head, "Oh California."

"We'll beat the British accent out of you by the time you head back." Isabel promised solemnly, pressing a hand to her heart.

Juniper felt a pleasant sea breeze ruffle her hair, the smell of salt hitting her nose with a welcome reception. It was cooler up here than it had been by the airport, which Juniper guessed was because of the height and proximity to the ocean. The weather was unnaturally perfect, Juniper imagined this was what summer was actually supposed to be like. She was so used to thick heat and gray skies coupled with humid rains and little to no sun.

"Wow." She whispered, amazed that this type of weather actually existed, and wasn't just a fairytale shown in teen movies.

"Welcome to Malibu." Alex said from behind her, a broad grin on his face as he handed her her suitcase.

"Oh- er you didn't have to do that." Juniper took the trunk gratefully, still in awe over the view. "Is this real life?"

Alex laughed, coming up beside her, "Europeans' reactions to Malibu never get old."

"You really get to live here?" Juniper asked incredulously.


"My life is a cosmic joke." Juniper sighed, picturing dreary old London.

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