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Juniper awoke slowly and painfully. She felt like crap. Her whole body hurt, her throat was sore, and her face felt sticky in the worst way possible. At least her drapes were closed. She didn't normally remember to do that. Wait- she hardly remembered anything. She knew she was hungover. Yup definitely hungover. She was in her room. But how had she gotten there?

"Oh good you're up." Teddy, shirtless and carrying a cup of coffee, walked into the room. Juniper zeroed in on her discarded dress and bra on the floor in front of her bed. She began to panic. What had happened last night?!

Frantically, she patted her body to make sure she was still wearing underwear. Phew. She was. "Thank god." She murmured, running a hand through her matted mess of curls.

"Thank god what?" Teddy furrowed his brow, handing her the coffee and throwing on a t-shirt.

Juniper winced, her head really hurt. "Nothing." She whispered hoarsely.

"Sorry." Teddy patted her knee, lowering his voice, "I told you to lay off the booze."

Juniper look at him sourly through half lidded eyes, flipping him off with both hands.

"Nice to see you haven't lost your spunk." Teddy shook his head, smirking.

A loud pounding on the door caused a piercing throb to shoot through Juniper's brain as she covered her ears, "What the bloody hell is that?!"

Teddy's face darkened, "Your boyfriend."

"Xavier?" Juniper was utterly bewildered, rubbing sleep out of her eyes and a few flakes of crusted mascara. Gross. "Why doesn't he just come in, instead of banging on the door like a god damn lunatic?"

"He can't." Teddy said smugly.

"What?" Juniper clutched her head in confusion. "Teddy....what did you do?!"

"I put a charm on the door." Teddy explained haughtily

"You WHAT?!" Juniper shouted, groaning.

"He was a dick." Teddy shrugged, then calmly sipped his cup of tea.

And then the events of last night came tumbling back to her. Bits and pieces clicking together in her mind. Finding out Xavier lied to her, getting drunk. Really drunk. Teddy refusing to kiss her. Teddy holding her hair up and rubbing her back. Xavier and Teddy arguing. Throwing up. A lot of throwing up. Xavier's hurt and jealous face, asking her, "Juniper?" And pretty much nothing else after that.


"How long has he been there?" Juniper asked Teddy, having herself out of bed.

"I dunno."

"Teddy!" She cried, exasperated.


"He was already upset why would you-"

"He was an arsehole." Teddy stated, "He didn't deserve to come in."

Juniper softened, remembering the fierce way Teddy had protected her last night. "Did you stay here the whole night?"

Teddy relaxed, smiling, "Of course. Someone had to make sure you didn't throw up while you were sleeping."

"Did I?" Juniper questioned, her stomach turning at the memory.

"Why do you think I had to change my shirt?" Teddy grinned teasingly, mouth quirked with mischief.

Juniper grimaced, suppressing a laugh, "Sorry."

"It's ok." Teddy said, lightly nudging her.

"You know you didn't have to-" Juniper started.

"Potter." Teddy cut her off sternly, "Just let me take care of you." He chuckled to himself, rolling his eyes, "Stubborn girl."

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