- M O V I E N I G H T -

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so this is a short lil' filler chapter and there's some jealous conflicted junie in here too

happy reading!!

Juniper walked out of the candy store slightly bewildered. None of Teddy's girls had ever even acknowledged her presence. Usually, they didn't interact with her at all, throwing her the occasional squinty side eye, or judgmental once over. This, this was unlike anything that had happened before. Her and Madison couldn't be more different, but she'd never had anything against her, at least until she started hanging around Teddy.

It was easy to hate her, especially if Juniper didn't take the time to have a conversation with her. It was a lot harder to hate someone you got to know, which was why Juniper had avoided her since that first night.

Madison was definitely one of those people who needed to be friends with everyone, and on top of that she hated confrontation, like any true Hufflepuff. It must've taken her a lot of courage to talk to Juniper like that.

All of these thoughts were running through Juniper's head as she journeyed down the cobblestone pathways. Her ams were still piled high with sweets, she could barely see over the top of her bags.

"Oof!" Her toe caught on a rough patch of ground, and she bumped into an elderly wizard. She nearly toppled over, but just before she hit the ground a pair of hands caught her.

"Whoa!" The voice exclaimed, helping her steady herself.

Juniper looked up to the owner of the voice, Jesse McLaggen. He smirked with a cocky air, "Falling for me Potter?"

"Does that line usually work for you?" Juniper rolled her eyes, dusting herself off.

"You tell me." He winked, and Juniper felt a little bile rise in the back of her throat.

"Right, she pursed her lips, well I should be going."

"Aw c'mon Potter, I was just having a little fun."

"Goodbye McLaggen."

"Guess I'll just have to watch you walk away then." Jesse called from behind her.

God, what a prat, Juniper thought to herself, waving over Leo and Charlie who'd finally emerged from Zonko's.

"Were you talking to McLaggen again?" Charlie asked, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah, what of it?"

"If he's bothering you-" Leo started, giving her a concerned look.

"Jesse may be a prick but he doesn't mean any harm." Juniper brushed their worries away, flapping her hands airily, "Where's that brother of mine?"

"He went to grab Lupin." Charlie replied, pointing at the Three Broomsticks, "There he is now."

"Ready to go?" Juniper questioned, handing part of her load off to James, "Where's Teddy?"

"They're coming now." James immediately started rifling through the bags for food, and Juniper smacked his hand away.

"They?" Leo tilted his head in confusion, "Who's they?"

Leo's question answered itself as Teddy and Madison approached with their arms linked.

"Hey guys, Teddy smiled brightly, we heading up to the castle now?"

"Hi!" Madison fluttered her fingers delicately, "So what are we going to be watching? Teddy told me all about your movie nights, it sounded so fun I thought I'd tag along."

"That's alright isn't it guys?" Teddy made it seem like he was directing the question at the whole group, but his eyes were locked with Juniper's, "She's really excited."

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