- T O O E A S Y -

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juniper's pov:

I yawned, hopping out of the warmth of my four poster bead and dragging myself into the shower. It had been a long week. Sixth year was already kicking my arse, advanced Potions killing me slowly and brutally. Thank god Rory was my partner, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Which absolutely sucked because both my mum and my dad had been top of the class in Advanced Potions. Of course James and Teddy goofed off the whole period and then proceeded to concoct the best potion of the day. So unfair. Rory had a cow when Professor Parkinson deemed them the winners of the challenge.

I had my first DADA class today, as well as my first History of Magic with the new professor. Advanced Transfiguration was today too. Needless to say, I was not excited about any of these prospects. Usually, I loved DADA, but this would be the first year with my dad teaching it, and I couldn't even picture it. I mean, c'mon, the man used one spell. Oh well. Might as well get it out of the way, first class and all.

I washed my hair in the ice cold water, letting my thoughts drift. I hadn't had much time to think lately, about anything. Not about the date with Xavier today, god was that really today? And I was definitely not thinking about a certain hazel eyed boy. Couldn't be me. Ugh. I didn't understand him. One second we were at each other's throats and the next he was being all sweet and asking me if I'm ok. Then before I know it he has me shoved up against a wall and flustered beyond belief.

Make me

Merlin. Why had I said that? It just popped out of my mouth and there it was, lying out in the open. My cheeks burned just thinking about it. His hands firmly planted on the wall on either side of me, boxing me in. The intensity in his eyes, dark gaze staring into my very soul. Pure, unadulterated heat were the only words I could use to describe it. And then I woke up the next morning and he was dozing on the opposite end of the couch, while I was under a blanket. He'd stayed with me the whole night, probably put that blanket over me too. Seriously what was his deal?!

"J you almost done in there?" Vivian's call snapped me out of my early morning daze.

"Yeah!" I replied, shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around my torso, "One sec." I stepped out of the shower, padding across the carpeted floor and back into our room. Jade and Rory were up by now, but to my surprise Rory wasn't ready yet. Usually she was impeccably dressed no later than 7:15. And now here we were, 7:45 and my calm, collected best friend hadn't even changed out of her pajamas yet.

I watched with amusement and light concern as Rory paced frantically around our dorm, flinging parchment and school supplies at random. She looked downright frazzled. I tousled my hair and slid my uniform on, whispering to Jade who was dressed in full, "Is she...ok?"

"Not sure." Jade mumbled back to me, suppressing a giggle, "I don't think she slept..."

"Right." I raised my eyebrows as Rory continued to rampage about the room.

"I can't find it. Can't find it. Can't-" She muttered, raccoon circles framing her eyes.

"Hey Ror?" I put a calming hand on her shoulder, asking tentatively, "You ok babe?"

"Mmhhm yup. Yup. Yup. Yup." Rory voice rose in panic, nodding her head aggressively, "I just can't- OH! There it is!" She reached down for a piece of parchment tucked under a large library book, scanning the words at the speed of light. She started talking to herself again, muttering words of horror and grabbing fistfuls of her ordinarily maintained brown hair.

"What's going on?" I said to Jade, gesturing to Rory, who had now begun scribbling on the already filled parchment, feverishly flipping through books.

"It's McGonagall's essay." Jade explained, "She's been up all night working on it."

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