- E V E R Y T H I N G -

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The news of the two new Gryffindor couples spread through Hogwarts like wildfire. The gossip mill was ruthless in the castle, and Juniper was frequently privy to outlandish rumours regarding her relationship with Teddy, and her brothers' relationship with Rory. For example, the one about how Juniper was blackmailing Teddy into dating her because she knew he'd gotten a girl pregnant. Another one, Juniper's least favorite, was that her, James, and Teddy were a throuple. Yeah she really hated that one. Yet another one, a widely known one at that, said that Juniper and Rory were dating and Teddy and James were dating and the other relationships were just fake covers for them. Juniper liked that one best.

Dating two of the most- the most popular boys in school, which she hated to admit of course, came with its own unique set of challenges for both Rory and Juniper. James and Teddy were sought after, coveted by the students of Hogwarts, by boys, girls, and everything in between. And up until now, they'd both been single. Now, James hadn't so much looked another girl's way since first year, but that didn't stop anyone from trying. Most girls had accepted the fact that they were taken, with a bit of expected jealousy, and some had even congratulated Rory and her, saying they were happy for them.

Juniper was astonished to discover that a substantial amount of people had been rooting for her and Teddy to get together. She'd known that everyone had been dying for Rory and James to man up and date each other, but she assumed most people just saw her as Teddy Lupin's clumsy best friend. Then, the other day, a Ravenclaw approached her in the corridor and gushed for fifteen minutes about how she'd been waiting since third year for Teddy and Juniper to be a couple, "Every time you fought with him he got this look on his face like he couldn't possibly love you more."

But, of course, there were the few particularly brazen girls. The ones who'd blatantly flirt with James or Teddy, in front of them, mind you. They'd bat their eyelashes and flip their hair like it was an art form, brushing their hands over the boys' arms innocently. Bolder still, were the ones asked Rory and Juniper for a way in with Teddy or James. Juniper thought this was laughable. Why on earth would either of them betray their best friend? It was simply preposterous. At times, their struggles were funny, a point of amusement for the two of them. Other times, however, especially in Juniper's case, were difficult. Teddy had a reputation, notoriously built throughout the years. That sort of thing was harder to shake than a cold.

"...we would ride in on a white horse!" James exclaimed, throwing his hand up emphatically. The four of them were sitting at a table in the back of the Transfiguration classroom, getting no homework done whatsoever. Instead, they were currently arguing over who would have a better wedding. Teddy and James. Or Rory and Juniper. "Tasteful, elegant, and-"

"Bo-oring," Juniper stuck out her tongue at her brother. She leaned her head on Rory's shoulder, "We'd fly in on a dragon. Beat that."

"Oh my god and our dresses could change color when lit on fire!" Rory said excitedly. "Which would come from the dragon!"

"A dragon?" Teddy rolled his eyes, nudging James. "They have no class, honestly."

"Or theme," James agreed haughtily. "Their wedding's going to be a fiery mess, and ours will be a spectacular show of precision. There will be doves, a-"

Juniper yawned, "I'm falling asleep already. Is your aim to get the guests snoring? Because mission accomplished." James and Teddy both let out an affronted gasp, but Juniper wasn't finished, "And we do so have a theme. Rory just came up with it. It's fire."

James and Teddy both scoffed, "Fire?"

"Fire's hot, we're hot," Rory and Juniper shrugged, sharing a smirk. "Makes perfect sense."

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