- I W A N T T O -

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Juniper woke up rather abruptly to four pairs of hands shaking her awake. After she'd fallen asleep last night, finally venturing back into her dorm after the Teddy/Selene trainwreck. She'd slept soundly for the first time in a while, Selene decidedly absent from their dorm. Juniper did not care why, and she hoped she didn't come back, because she was finally sleeping. A brief moment of peace from the onslaught of Selene and the agonizing emotions sorting through her mind regarding Teddy.

Which was why she wasn't taking kindly to being woken up.

"Mmph!" Juniper protested groggily, batting the hands away. She buried herself further into the covers, sandwiching herself between a mattress and a pillow over her head, "Leave me alone!"

Someone yanked the pillow off her head, Juniper suspected James, and Leo flung open the drapes, casting a blinding ray of morning light straight into Juniper's half lidded eyes. She covered her face in her hands, while Rory tried to drag her- unsuccessfully- out of bed. Finally, Charlie grabbed hold of her legs and pulled her off the bed, Juniper taking the duvet down with her as she fell in an unceremonious heap on the carpet.

Juniper moaned, poking her head up with a withering glare that could turn a person to dust. Her hair looked like a beehive, and one side of her face was still slightly smushed from sleep. That plus her obvious anger, made for quite the comical sight. But for some reason, no one was laughing. "You motherfuckers, " she growled through bared teeth, lunging for her brother, "I'm going to destroy-"

"Teddy's missing." James said, not a trace of humor in his tone. His eyes were full of worry, and Juniper knew then that this was not a prank.

She looked at each of her friend's faces, all serious, and a pit formed in her stomach. A growing dread enveloped her entire body as Rory helped her up to standing, "He's- what?" Her voice shook a little, and she was immediately embarrassed of it.

"It was full moon last night, he hasn't come back yet." Rory explained softly, and Juniper was so consumed with worry she didn't see when the brunette's hand slipped into James'.

"Madam Pomfrey checked the shack and everything," Leo continued, eyebrows lifting at Rory ever so slightly. "He wasn't in the infirmary this morning, or in our dorm. We thought we'd wake you up so you can help us look, or we could wait in the common room to see if he comes back..."

Leo's words became background noise as thoughts ran through Juniper's head a mile a minute. Teddy was missing. Teddy hadn't come back. Selene hadn't come back. What if Teddy was with Selene? Selene who just moments before Juniper had wished wouldn't come back.  What if Teddy wasn't coming back? It was all Juniper's fault, it was all her-

"Junie." A gentle tap on her shoulder. Charlie. "Junie, we're gonna go see if he's turned up in our dorm since we've been gone."

"Right," She murmured, dazed. "Right." Juniper nodded, trying to shake the worry away, and followed her friends out the door.

"I'm sure he's fine," Rory reassured, linking arms with Juniper. She turned to James, "Are you sure we shouldn't tell McGonagall? Or your dad?"

"Not if we don't have to. Teddy wouldn't like- he wouldn't want everyone knowing." James replied, downcast. Juniper knew he was feeling the same worry as her. Teddy had never just disappeared after a full moon. He was cagey usually, closed off, and standoffish, sometimes he didn't let them visit him if he had to go to the infirmary, but he had never disappeared.

Juniper knew it had to be connected to Selene. Selene was missing too. Teddy had to be with Selene. What if something awful had happened? Juniper flashed back to their last conversation, the hurt look on his face when she'd shifted away from him. That couldn't be her last conversation with him. It just couldn't. She was going to kill him if that was their last conversation. How dare he let that be their last conversation?

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