- L A S T D A Y -

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"I royally fucked up Arithmancy." Juniper told Vivian as they walked out of the stuffy castle. The spring sun beat down on their faces, the promise of summer warmth lingering on their skin. "Professor Sinistra's going to have my head."

"At least your Potions exam went well, Vivian remarked, you'd should've seen the look on Parkinson's face when I showed her my cauldron." She groaned, slumping down on the grassy knoll that overlooked the lake, "Thank god my parents don't know what T means."

Juniper shaded her eyes from the glare reflecting of the pristine surface of the Black Lake, "We did alright in DADA though, only worthwhile subject in my opinion. Plus, we didn't actually study that much..." She trailed off, her and Vivian snickering.

"What's so funny?" Rory and Jade appeared from around a tree, their last exam must've just gotten out as well.

"Our lack of studying." Vivian grinned, elbowing Juniper as Jade bit back a smile. Rory made an attempt to look disapproving but failed, settling down beside Juniper.

Rory shook her head, "I don't know how the three of you can be so calm, I just know I translated one of those runes wrong."

"Stop worrying Ror, Jade slung an arm around her shoulder, results won't come out for ages."

"Besides we've done much more important things this year than those stupid exams." Vivian declared proudly, rifling through her satchel for something.

"That's true we did accomplish a lot this year." Juniper thought back, remembering that September day in Diagon Alley It seemed so long ago. Where had all the time gone?

"Like what?" Rory challenged, still going over notes. Vivian snatched the parchment right out of the brunette's hands, chucking it into the Black Lake.

"Viv!" Vivian only smirked in response, shrugging with satisfaction.

"You were prefect, top of the class again Ror, Jade got into that that fancy Herbology program over the summer, Viv and I won the House Cup for Quidditch, oooh and the snow day prank."

"Really, Rory raised an eyebrow, you included the prank on the list?"

"It was a historical moment Ror of course I did." Juniper laughed. Her friend was so predictable sometimes.

"Not to mention all the personal growth, Vivian gazed at Juniper pointedly, I'm talking to you J."

"Yes I stopped liking Teddy." Juniper preened, tossing her hair, "For real this time I promise."

"The fact that I actually believe you is a sign of character development." Jade encouraged, patting Juniper.

She rolled her eyes, "I wasn't that bad." Then Juniper recalls some of the events from earlier in the year. She winced, "Okay maybe I was, but I solved it. All it took was a trip to Paris."

"And a French boy who played guitar." Vivian quipped cheekily, poking Juniper's cheek, "That's right I talk to Victoire too."

"Shut up." Juniper batted her away, smiling. She'd never used that number Pierre gave her. In fact, she was pretty sure it was still sitting at the bottom of her trunk. For a brief moment she wondered how Pierre was doing back in France. Victoire wrote to her about the band occasionally, but they mostly talked about school and their parents. He was probably charming girls with those cheekbones of his all over the city.

"I still can't believe you did it J." Jade marveled.

"Did what?" Teddy asked, walking over with James, Charlie, and Leo in tow.

"None of your bloody business Lupin." Vivian retorted, sharing a secret smile with the three girls. They started giggling, and the boys looked at them strangely. This of course only made them laugh harder, clutching their stomachs as they rolled around on the grass, gasping for breath.

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