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Rory yawned, blinking her eyes in the morning light. There was a warm, soothingly strong, weight crossing her body. Then she remembered where she was, sleepy haze beginning to lift from her mind. James's bed was somehow more comfortable then her own, and it smelled like him. She inhaled deeply, rolling over to face James, and she was surprised to find he was already awake.

"Morning, Wood," James said, gazing down at her with a look that made Rory's heart soar and her toes curl.

She blushed, "Have you just been staring at me all this time?"

"In my defense," James pushed a lock of hair off her forehead, drawing her closer, "you are a very pretty sleeper." He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, mouth traveling across her collarbone.

Rory let out a small noise of content, "And you are using flattery to try and get me to stay longer."

James glanced up from her neck, smirking, "Is it working?"

Rory dragged her nails across his broad chest, exhaling, "Unfortunately, yes."

"Excellent," James murmured into her ear. A dark tone that made Rory's exposed skin crawl with heat.

She shifted, snuggling deeper into him. Rory would stay there forever if she could. Wrapped in James's arms. They were safe and loving, and all the kissing didn't hurt either. She groaned, "I don't want to get out of bed."

And she really didn't. Once she got out of bed, if she was even able to walk properly...she would have to pack. Or rather, latch her trunk, and do Juniper's packing for her. Then she would have to get on the Hogwarts Express. Which would send her home. Home to her mother and father. Amy and Oliver. Who did not speak to each other, or Rory if she could help it. The odds that they would be celebrating Christmas were less than unlikely. The odds that she would have to pick her drunk father off of the rug so he didn't choke on his now vomit were staggering.

Home was very far away from James Potter.

But right now, right now, she didn't have to think about any of that. Right now she was happy and secure. Right now James was here. James was next to her. And the second she left the room, she'd have to think about all of it. Right now she just wanted to kiss her beautiful, wonderful boyfriend.

"Then don't," James said simply, smothering her in more sweet kisses. His fingers were tangled in her hair, a pleasant sensation that Rory was going to miss dearly the next three weeks.

Rory rolled on top of him, straddling him between her thighs as she attempted to resist him. She swatted him, "I have to!" He merely pulled her back down to him, kissing her lengthily. James nipped at her bare shoulder, and Rory giggled, "You are not making this any easier."

He grinned at her, "I know."

"You're enjoying this far too much," Rory bit her lip, shaking her head at his antics. He was so cute. And hot. How was he this hot? It shouldn't be allowed. His hotness. It should be against the law for one person to make someone turn red ninety percent of the time.

James's grin only grew wider, "I know."

"Fifteen minutes and then I absolutely have to— " his mouth met hers, and Rory's train of thought was stolen away. Because James's hands were on her waist and she couldn't think when James's hands were on her waist. She could barely breathe.

James Potter took her breath away.

By the time she managed to bring herself to leave James, the sun had risen high in the sky. He was very convincing, with those big doe eyes, and golden retriever expression. Rory was very bad at saying no. Mostly because she didn't want to. At all. Funny, considering that was all she'd done for the past six years. Making up for lost time, she supposed.

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