- B R O K E N P R O M I S E S -

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There's been an accident. There's been an accident.

It's Juniper—





The message repeated itself in Teddy's head over and over again.

All the blood had rushed out of him, frozen in fear. Surrounded by glass shards.

Only then did Teddy realize he hadn't kissed Juniper goodbye. He hadn't told her he loved her.

St. Mungo's. He had to go to St. Mungo's. And he should— he should call Ror and James. And— Teddy gripped the edge of the counter forcefully, knuckles whitening as he attempted to calm himself.

Deep breaths, Theodore. That's it. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

He needed to stay calm. He needed to breathe. Everything was going to be all right as long as he kept a cool head. Juniper was fine. Juniper was fine.

Teddy dialed James's phone hurriedly, thank god for smuggle contraptions at a time like this.

He picked up on the first ring, but it was Rory's voice that greeted him. "What do you want?" she questioned irritably. "If you're going to whine about being lonely just—"

"There's been an accident," Teddy cut her off, saying the words aloud made it feel worse.


"I got a message— I— it doesn't matter. Junie— she's at St. Mungo's."

"St Mungo's?! Oh my god!"

I have to go Ror, I—"

"We'll be there right away."

With that taken care of, Teddy steeled himself, apparating into thin air with a singular 'pop'. He did not bother to pick up the broken wine glass before he left.

In a blink of an eye, he was transported into the hospital, white walls and tiled floors. It smelled like bleach.

Frantically he searched the hospital for anyone who could help him. Juniper was fine. She was fine. She was fine. She was fine.

The more time he spent scouring St. Mungo's floors, the less certain he felt of his mantra. What if she was already gone? What if she was dead and he hadn't gotten there in time? He was supposed to protect her.

This was all his fault.

"Please can anyone help me?" Teddy accosted nurses and orderlies and healers left and right, panicked. "Please I got this message and I don't know who sent it, but my girlfriend was in an accident. Juniper. Juniper Potter. Do you know where she is? Where can I find her? Do you know where—?"

"Teddy?" The telltale mass of wayward black curls came into focus.

Teddy's heart almost stopped out of pure relief. "Juniper?!" He rushed over to her and scooped her up into his arms, holding her tighter than he ever had. "Oh my god— oh thank merlin— you're okay." He kissed her all over, cupping her face in his hands, "You're okay."

Besides a a small wound above her eyebrow, and a few cuts and bruises lining her arms, Juniper seemed relatively unharmed. Teddy wouldn't let her go, however, still recovering from his scare.

"I'm okay," Juniper reassured him, running her hands over his chest in soothing motions.

"I thought—" his breath caught in the back of his throat. "What happened? Your face— they said there'd been an accident."

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