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"Juniper?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Juniper?" A shake, more aggressive this time. "Oh for fucks sake! Juniper!" Someone tugged me out of bed, and I landed in a heap on the floor

"Leo!" Rory looked at my cousin accusingly, "I said gently!"

He shrugged, "Gently was taking too long."

"Breakfast is almost over." Charlie whined, as I blinked my eyes blearily. Rory, Charlie, and Leo stood over me, bickering.

I'd fallen asleep almost immediately after my whole...Teddy breakdown situation. Which I was still so embarrassed about. Poor Victoire. I wondered where she was. I'd probably scared her off.

"Good to know where your priorities stand." I grumbled, punching them each in the arm. I rubbed my head, grimacing at my reflection in the mirror. It was pretty rough. "Think I can get away with wearing sweatpants to class?" I asked, slipping my school jumper over my head.

Charlie shook his head, "I'd say yes, but we've got Parkinson and Minnie today so-"

"Full uniform it is." I sighed in defeat, grabbing my wrinkled stockings and skirt that lay in ball on the rug. I tied my hair up without brushing it, and spun tp fakery friend, "How do I look?"

Charlie and Leo both let out allow whistle, pulling a face. That is until Rory hit them in the gut, hissing, "Be nice!"

"OW!" They exclaimed, and Rory gave them a death glare.

"Great. You look great, Junie." Charlie tossed me a weak smile and a hasty thumbs up, eyeing Rory warily.

"So great." Leo coughed loudly, putting his hands up to shield himself.

Rory nodded in approval, arms folded, "Better."

I rolled my eyes, "You're both horrible liars." It was a nice effort though. Especially on Rory's part.

"Lying? Us?" Charlie gasped dramatically, "Never." He proceeded to push me out the door, "Let's go. Breakfast! Coffee! You love coffee!"

I do love coffee. And there was no way I was going to make it through this day without it. I mean, Potions and Transfiguration? Plus, Quidditch started back up again this week and I had to hold tryouts for a new Beater today. And- you know...the whole situation that I was definitely not thinking about at all.

When we arrived in the Great Hall, everyone was already seated at Gryffindor table. Vivian, oddly enough still no Jade, James, and- Teddy. I gulped, casting my eyes on my plate of food. Rory reached down and squeezed my hand. I seriously don't know what I would do without that girl.

I tried to sit down as inconspicuously s possible, and as far away from Teddy as possible. I know that we're supposed to be going back to normal- but I don't know. I just didn't feel like forcing smiles for longer than I had to. We had practically all our classes together too. Ugh. This was shaping up to be a long day.

Unfortunately, Teddy had some sort of fucking radar for me, and spotted me instantly. He stood up with a loud clatter, shaking the table from his abruptness, "Junie." He said, almost breathless.

I wanted to crawl up and die in a hole. All of our friends stared at him, eyebrows raised. It was so awkward, gives me a rash just thinking about it.

"We can go eat somewhere else if you can't..." Rory whispered, as Teddy finally sat back down again, slightly flustered. And I was about to take Rory up on her offer, when my father's voice filled the room.

"Students." He stepped up to the podium, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of nose.

I groaned internally. I was trapped. With a sigh, I took a seat next to Rory at the table. Waiting to hear what dad had to say. If it was something embarrassing I was leaving.

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