- S A Y A N Y T H I N G -

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Juniper left Vivian alone in the dorm. They both needed some space, some time to think things through, especially Vivian. That talk had positively drained her, emotionally and physically. Juniper felt worn out, wrung dry like a sponge after washing. It had been a lot. A lot. A lot.

Her head was a muddled mess, trying to process everything that had been said, everything that had happened. She couldn't even imagine what Vivian had been going through for these past months, completely on her own. Years of dealing with her unstable home life with no help. Juniper was overcome with guilt and anger all at once. Angry at Vivian for keeping it from her. Guilty for not knowing and supporting her. Vivian had isolated herself, it wasn't Juniper's fault. But it sure as hell felt like it. And it definitely seemed like Vivian thought so too.

Juniper knew the girl just needed someone to blame. It wasn't her fault. But Juniper should have known, she should have tried harder to get her to open up. Maybe subconsciously, she had known that things were going to come out if she pried any further. Things like how Vivian actively tried to sabotage her relationships. Things like the reason they'd become friends was because Vivian wanted her life. Things that Juniper didn't want to hear. Because once they did come out there was no clinging on to the past. Maybe Juniper had prevented Vivian from—

No. Juniper wasn't going to think like that. She wasn't going to beat herself up over something she had no control over. They'd both made mistakes, her and Vivian. Mistakes they couldn't take back. Juniper would be there for her now. Once Vivian figured out what to do, Juniper would be there. What happened after that was yet to be determined. It was a fresh start, for everyone.

Juniper sighed, the frigid air whipping her hair around like an icy knife the second she stepped into the courtyard. She shielded her eyes from the swirling snowflakes, barely able to make out the three figures sitting beneath their spot by the tree. The snow was soft and powdery beneath her boots, her feet sinking into the fresh drifts nearly calf deep as she slogged down the white hill.

"...James control your woman!" Juniper could hear the echoes of her friends, nearing closer to the tree. She pulled her coat tighter around her, shivering.

"...she didn't mean it, bubs."

"Yes, she did," Rory's voice now, sensible and matter of fact.

"Sunshine—" James, trying to be the peacemaker between the two.

Rory didn't let him finish, "Just because your ego is about as fragile as a hummingbird's egg, Lupin—"


"Aww did I hurt your feewings? Poor baby. Ickle Teddykins—"

Juniper watched them for a moment, smiling to herself. Suddenly, a rush of gratitude seeped through her, warm and comforting. These were her people. Her people. And she didn't know what she would do without a single one of them.

Teddy noticed her then, glancing up to meet her eye. "Junie!" he exclaimed, leaping up to greet her. "Thank god you're here!  I am being attacked by this demon." He stuck his tongue out at Rory, who was still sitting in the snow a little ways away.

"Like she'd take your side," Rory scoffed, sticking her tongue right back at him. "In your dreams, Lupin."

"Help me," James pleaded his sister from next to Rory, clasping his hands together.

Teddy growled sulkily, "I'll have you know this is very damaging to my—"

Juniper wrapped her arms around Teddy, burying her face in the wide expanse of his chest. She melted into his body, slowly inhaling his familiar scent. Teddy, though surprised at first by her abrupt affection, held her gently. He tucked his head neatly over hers, stroking her hair.

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