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Juniper grumbled as she traipsed the hallways with Jade and Rory. Vivian was in detention for exploding her potion all over Professor Parkinson's robes. All around them girls giggled and whispered in huddles, while boys leaned against archways casually. "I swear to Godric if I see another one of these posters, I will- "

"I'd hate to see you in detention again Junie." Professor McGonagall warned, tapping her wand sternly.

Jade gasped, extremely caught off guard, and Rory went pin straight, self consciously touching her hair.

"Sorry Auntie- I mean Professor." Juniper gave her aunt a cheeky grin, and returned to walking down the halls.

"How does she do that?" Jade put a hand to her chest, "I nearly passed away."

"I still can't believe you talk her like that, so casually." Rory shook her head in disbelief, "I could never."

"You obviously haven't seen her cursing like a drunk bloke at a Quidditch game." Juniper laughed at the memory, and then returned to her scowling as she spotted another advertisement for the annual dance.

Usually this dance, started when Hogwarts welcomed its first group of new students back after the rebuild as a way of celebration, was held in the spring. However, this year the dance had been moved up in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the Yule Ball. It was even gong to be an exact replica of the night in 1995, and pretty much everyone at Hogwarts was in a dance frenzy. Everywhere Juniper looked another girl or guy was being wooed, James had asked Rory at least five times already. Juniper couldn't stand it. To top it off, her parents and the whole group was extremely abuzz as well. The original classes that attended the dance had all been invited, which meant that not only would Juniper have to attend this stupid charade, but that her parents would be there as well, which was just perfect.

She was supposed to meet her mum, aunt Ginny, and aunt Hermione in Hogsmeade to get dresses. Her aunt Hermione was especially frantic about the anniversary, particularly because the Daily Prophet was doing a story on the six friends and their families, sort of a "where are they now" piece. This was very important to Hermione because the election was coming up, although at this point she was going to be the Minister of Magic no matter what. She was the best person for the job, and everyone knew it. That didn't stop her from stressing, despite Ron's attempts to calm her.

"I just don't understand why they have these things in every corridor." Juniper grumbled, "It's already all over every bloody newspaper, even the Quibbler is talking about it."

"Aw c'mon," Rory nudged her, "dances aren't so bad, they can be fun if you let them, Junie. None of us have dates anyways, we can stick together."

"You could have date if you wanted Ror." Juniper gave her a pointed look, "It's not as if you haven't been asked."

"James doesn't count." Rory crossed her arms haughtily.

"Does Charlie count?" Jade smiled sheepishly, looking down at her palms.

Juniper almost choked, "WHAT?!"

"He asked me yesterday," a faint blush spread across Jade's face, before she quickly clarified, "as friends! AS FRIENDS! Stop giving me that look you guys!"

"When I get a hold of that boy..." Juniper raised an eyebrow mischievously, "I can't believe he didn't tell me about this!"

"It's not big deal, we're going as friends. He didn't have anyone and neither did I, so we decided to go together." Jade explained, her cheeks still rosy.

"Mmmhhmm sure." Rory didn't even try to suppress her wide grin as she squeezed Jade's arm, "That's why you're blushing so much then?"

"Shut up Ror, or I'll tell James you want to go to the ball with him."

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