- T H E Y E A R -

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"I can't believe it's our last year," Charlie exclaimed, lounging back on the cushioned train seat, elbows folded behind his head. The six of them were sat in their favorite compartment. There wasn't a separate one for Viv, Jade, Rory, and Juniper this year. Partly because Rory could now tolerate James, more than tolerate him, in fact, one was rarely seen without the other these days. And partly because Jade wasn't returning to Hogwarts, she would be finishing out at Beauxbatons, apparently their Herbology program was one of the best. But mostly, it was due to Vivian's notable absence.

Rory and Juniper had seen her on the train of course, and she mumbled a terse hello, before disappearing into a different compartment. It was all very strange, and unlike Viv in every way possible. First she hadn't come on their trip and now it seemed as though she was going out of her way to avoid Juniper. She didn't know what was happening, but she was not going to let it stop her from having a good first day. Besides, Rory was essentially part of the group now. Juniper could hardly believe there was a time when she wasn't.

"Oh don't!" Rory chastised, pooching out her lower lip. Her eyebrows drew together worriedly, "You'll make me cry, Weasley." The girl was curled up like a cat in Juniper's brother's side, legs tucked underneath her.

James slung an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her tight. He dropped a soft kiss on the top of her head, "You are adorable."

"If I called you adorable you'd end me, right?" Teddy whispered low into Juniper's ear, mindlessly running his fingers through her mass of hair.

Juniper arched an eyebrow, giving Teddy a pointed look, "You have to ask?"

"Just checking, trouble," he bit back a grin, poking her cheek with his index finger.

Juniper stuck her tongue out at him. He was looking extremely attractive right then, the sunlight filtering through the window and washing his face in a golden glow. He'd taken his hands out of her black curls and Juniper missed having them there. With a huff, she dragged his hand back up to her hair, "Braid, please."

"Wow, a please!" Teddy gasped over-dramatically. "I didn't even know that word was included in your vocabulary, Junie. I'm shocked- stunned- ama-."

Juniper scowled, scrunching her nose, "Shut up and braid my hair, you dick."

Teddy loved her angry face more than anything in the world, and he knew exactly how to get it. He smirked in the kind of way that made Juniper's mind travel to some very dirty places. His legendary smirk, even after all the years she'd known him, could still make her positively melt. "There she is." Teddy kissed her wrinkled up nose, beginning to separate the sections, "As you wish, love."

By the time they reached Hogwarts, Juniper's hair was completed, and two perfectly constructed French braids hung down her back. Some flyaway curls sprang out here and there, which Teddy was endlessly frustrated by. "Your hair is as stubborn as you are," he teased, as the six of them clambered into a carriage.

Hogwarts loomed before them, reflection large in the Black Lake, lanterns flickering all around them. Juniper could practically smell the roast chicken and potatoes. She remembered a carriage ride not too long ago, fifth year, when she was kidding herself into believing she was over Teddy. She was angry, hurt, he'd had a girl on his lap and Juniper had never felt worse. Now she was the girl in Teddy's lap. "I hate you," she said, knocking her foot against his.

Teddy tickled her and she giggled, squirming out of his reach. The black carriage hit a bump on the forest floor, sending Juniper hurtling back into Teddy's arms. He caught her deftly, eyes mischievous, "Back so soon?"

"Sometimes I wonder why I put up with you," Juniper reached up to tuck a blond lock of hair behind his ear.

"Because you're madly in love with me, and I'm hot as fuck."

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