-N O R M A L-

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juniper's pov:

My name is Juniper Lily Potter, I am fifteen years old, and I do not, I repeat, DO NOT, have a crush on Theodore Remus Lupin.

Did I have a tiny, minuscule, crush on him when I was younger? Maybe...I mean can you blame me? He's older, (yes we're in the same year, but he's practically a full year older than me), tall, ridiculously attractive, honestly it's unfair how hot he is. Additionally he's a total heartthrob, girls throw themselves at him daily, Uncle Padfoot taught him well.

And then there's me, not exactly pretty, but not exactly ugly either. Raven black hair, that could be considered wavy or curly on a good day, but sticks up no matter how many times I brush it. Thanks for that dad, by the way. Green eyes that usually have glasses covering them, sometimes I remember to wear my contacts but it's not often, thanks again dad. I'm not very tall, kind of at the tipping point of being average height.

Because I grew up with my brother and three other boys, my fashion sense is not it. Vivian tries to help me, she really does, but I'm kind of a hopeless case. My hair is usually pulled back off my face, not that that stops it from wisping out every which way. I'm muscular from Quidditch, but still pretty thin, long legs, but any curves are non existent. I seriously don't know why I even wear a bra.

Like I said, very average, I'm in the middle. It's how I feel in most of my every day life, normal. Which is not a bad thing to be, don't get me wrong, I'm happy, I'm healthy, I have good friends, a loving family. I'm grateful, I really am. It's just, sometimes I wish I were more something, you know? It's kind of how I feel in my family.

Technically I'm the oldest, but James is older than me by three minutes. A fact that he reminds me of constantly. That, coupled with being the only boy, makes him special already. My parents love us all very much, but I can tell who their favorites are. Dad doesn't even try to hide the fact that Cali's his favorite, I don't know what he's going to do now that she'll be away at Hogwarts. Mum swears she loves us all equally, but her and Nessa have always shared something that me and mum just don't.

I think it's because Nessa reminds Mum of our grandmother, even though I'm the one named after her. She was so proud when Vanessa got sorted into Slytherin. Or maybe it's because Vanessa's named after mum's best friend who died, I don't know much about him, but he was very important to her.

That leaves me in the middle, and occasionally that bothers me. You would think that mum and I would have more to talk about, maybe do that boy talk mother daughter bonding crap you hear about. But I can't talk to my mother about boys. She wouldn't understand. Dad's been in love with her since the minute he laid eyes on her, plus she's gorgeous, another thing Nessa has in common with her. But me, I had to take after dad. The only woman in my life I do confide to, but it's rare, is my Aunt Mione. She and Uncle Ron went through a few ups and downs before getting married, although it seems like they were always meant to be. Mum just doesn't know what it feels like, and all Aunt Ginny has to do is bat her eyelashes and men fall over.

It's hard to like someone and have them not like you back.

Not that I still like Teddy, at all. He's like my brother. Yup, platonic, platonic, platonic.

I am very much over him. Not that I was ever really liked him that much, silly immature school girl crush. Barely even a-- you know what I'm just going to stop while I'm ahead...

"Junie! Our letters are here!" My brother bellowed from downstairs, which was followed by a loud belch. I could hear Charlie chuckling, and I rolled my eyes.

"You're disgusting James!" I shouted back as I hurried down the steps.

The screen door slammed shut in the kitchen and Leo strolled in.

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